Sample Essay Questions on Reproduction in Angiosperms (flowering plants). Part 1
Sample Essay Questions on Reproduction in Angiosperms (flowering plants). What are the two “alternating generations” of plants? The two alternating...
Sample Essay Questions on Reproduction in Angiosperms (flowering plants). What are the two “alternating generations” of plants? The two alternating...
How to store maize grain at home without the use of chemicals. Maize grain is one of the widely demanded...
How to test the viability of okra seeds, tomato seeds, pepper seeds, and Jute mallow seeds (Ayoyo seed, Ademe/edewu seed)...
When you do this goats will not disturb your crops. How to prevent goats from feeding on your crops in...
What are the three basic features of animal circulatory systems? The three basic features of animal circulatory systems are: a...
Digestive System 1. A complete digestive tract can have many specialized parts. Explain. When a digestive tract has both a...
Biological classification Phylum Arthropoda. Reasons: Undergo moulting or ecdysis. They are haemocilic (have open circulation) Bilaterally symmetrical. Possess metameric segmentation....
Retentive memory, Importance and How to Improve Your Retentive Memory as a Student. Retention of memory is the ability to...
Learning style Learning style can be defined as an individual’s habitual and preferred method of acquiring skills, knowledge, understanding concepts,...
Cockroach (Periplaneta americana). Biological Classification Phylum Arthropoda Reasons: Presence of haemocilic (open circulatory system). Presence of bilateral symmetrical body. Coelomate...
MOSS Mountain with Moss growing on its surface Mosses are small, simple green, seedless, nonvascular plants called Bryophytes. They are...
OBJECTIVE TEST. 1. The difference in energy between the reactants and the activated complex is known as……. A. enthalpy change ...
Habitats and adaptation of organisms to their habitats. What is a habitat? A habitat is a particular place where a...
Ecological concept, Ecological factors, their effects on the ecosystem and instrument use in measuring them. Ecological concept. The biosphere is...
Diseases and infections, integrated science for senior high school. What is disease? The disease is a disorder that interacts with...
Integrated Science for senior high schools, Atmosphere and Climate Change revision questions and answers (Essay and Objectives) Sample essay questions...
Motivation, it's impacts on students achievements. Understanding motivation Motivation can be defined as the internal or external factors that drive...
Objective test for revision (elective biology) 1. Temporary slides prepared to be examined under the microscope are always covered with...
Guides to cultivating cassava. Cassava Plantation Growing cassava requires the right conditions and a series of steps to ensure successful...
School climate and how it influence students' motivation and engagement. School climate is the overall atmosphere, culture, and environment within...