Vegetables For Fighting Skin Wrinkle and How It Works.

Vegetables For Fighting Skin Wrinkle and How It Works.
Vegetables contain high levels of antioxidants, including vitamin E, vitamin C, beta-carotene, flavonoids, and many more.
Antioxidants are compounds that seek out and neutralize free radicals, the unstable molecules in your skin that can cause damage to both your skin’s overall structure and the cell’s ability to produce collagen and elastin, all of which results in less firm, healthy skin.
Antioxidants can neutralize free radicals and thereby prevent damage to your skin that causes wrinkles.
Read more: The Three Major Causes of Skin Wrinkle You Ought to Know.
It’s even possible that antioxidants can help eliminate existing wrinkles.
By disarming free radicals, antioxidants may allow your skin time and energy to fix structural issues that create the appearance of wrinkles.
Vegetables can be measured in terms of their antioxidant ability.
Scientists have developed an antioxidant value system called ORAC (oxygen radical absorbance capacity).
The higher a vegetable’s ORAC value, the more wrinkle protection it can offer. Tufts University attempted to list the ORAC value of common foods in the hopes of identifying those that offer the best health benefits.
Blueberries were at the top of the list, followed by strawberries, cherries, tea, and bright-colored fruits and vegetables.
The creation of this list prompted a search for the food with the highest antioxidant value.
Pomegranate emerged as the next big antioxidant-packed fruit, but it was soon replaced by goji berries and açai.
Nutrients in plants that offer health benefits to the body are called phytonutrients.
The phytonutrients in vegetables have been associated with a wide variety of health benefits in humans, including prevention of heart disease and some forms of cancer.
It is not surprising, then, that if they can help prevent such major diseases, they may also help prevent wrinkle formation.
The less you do to a vegetable, the more phytonutrients remain intact.
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Boiling, microwaving, or baking vegetables will lower their phytonutrient value and reduce the vegetables’ ability to prevent wrinkle formation.
Eating vegetables in a raw or minimally processed state will deliver the greatest phytonutrient boost.
A pot of gold may lie at the end of this rainbow of nutrients.
The best wrinkle-fighting bell pepper is the sweet red variety, but whether it’s green, red, yellow, or orange, these brightly colored vegetables have great effects on the skin.
Bell peppers are a rich source of vitamins A and C. Vitamin A is fat-soluble and attacks free radicals in the fatty part of your cells making them harmless.
Vitamin C is water-soluble and attacks free radicals in the watery parts of your cells.
Therefore, bell peppers defend your skin by launching a dual attack on free radicals (which can damage your skin’s structural integrity by weakening the collagen).
How They Smooth Skin and Maintain Healthy Arteries
- Did you know that free radicals are also major players in the build-up of cholesterol in your arteries?
- This build-up can lead to nerve and blood vessel damage.
- Proper blood vessel and nerve health are important to healthy, beautiful, youthful skin because, without healthy blood vessels near your skin, the skin cannot get the wrinkle-fighting nutrients it needs from the blood to prevent signs of aging.
- By providing vitamins A and C, two potent free-radical destroyers, bell peppers prevent the skin from aging by stopping free radical damage and ensuring that the supply route to the skin and the blood vessels is functioning properly.
- Like tomatoes, red bell peppers contain lycopene, a newcomer to the world of skin-healthy compounds.
- This fat-soluble substance is particularly effective in tissues with high fat and lipid content, such as the skin.
- It works to disarm free radicals, leaving them harmless and unable to cause damage to the skin.
Help maintain a youthful appearance
- Red bell peppers also contain lutein and zeaxanthin, antioxidants that help your skin maintain its youthful appearance.
- In 2003, the Journal of Investigative Dermatology reported that lutein and zeaxanthin, when present in the skin before exposure to UVB radiation, protect it from inflammation and damage.
- Such inflammation and damage are known to lead to the formation of wrinkles.
- Lutein also increases skin elasticity, which plays a vital role in wrinkle prevention.
- Continual bending of the skin, such as when you frown, weakens the skin and can result in the formation of wrinkles.
- By increasing the skin’s elasticity, lutein can help it bounce back and reduce the risk of wrinkle formation.
- Some research also suggests that lycopene can tighten junctions between cells as well.
- As such, lycopene also may be able to increase skin firmness, further aiding in the battle against wrinkles.
- Known for their crispy, refreshing taste, bell peppers are also a great source of water, which helps hydrate your skin cells and ensure that they work properly.
- Dehydrated skin cells are less able to repair skin damage.
- Moreover, water is essential to keeping your skin looking firm, moist, and healthy.
- Fight wrinkles with these crispy peppers.
- Chop them into small pieces and add them to salads, nachos, pizzas, pasta sauce, or chili.
- Slice them into snack-sized treats and include them in your veggie trays.
- An essential ingredient in Ratatouille, bell peppers also show up in our Black Bean and Spinach Soup.
- They are a colorful addition to any meal and a delightful, delicious way to fight wrinkles.
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#02. Carrots
- This vegetable is not just for rabbits.
- And they’re not all orange, carrot also comes in white, yellow, red, and even purple varieties.
- The orange-colored carrot that’s so common and abundant in North America emerged in the Netherlands in the fifteenth or sixteenth
- The struggle for independence by the Dutch, who are well known for their patriotic orange color, helped to popularize this orange vegetable.
- And they should be proud of the orange color in carrots is what makes it a wrinkle-fighting food.
- Eating carrots is thought to be good for your eyes because carrots contain a good amount of beta-carotene, an orange-colored nutrient that is converted to vitamin A in the
- A lack of vitamin A can cause poor vision, particularly night vision, and eating more carrots or other vegetables that are rich in vitamin A can help restore your eyesight.
- In one cup (130 g) of raw carrots, you’ll find roughly 685 percent of the recommended daily value for vitamin A.
- This vitamin will not only help you admire your reflection in the mirror, however; it will help smooth away those wrinkles, too.
Carotenoids Prevent Wrinkles
- Every day our skin comes in contact with environmental factors like sun radiation and toxins that cause the formation of free radicals in our skin.
- These free radicals damage the DNA, proteins, and lipids in our skin cells, causing them to become weak and fragile and to display unwanted signs of aging.
- Antioxidants, carotenoids included, are your protection against free radicals and the skin wrinkling they cause.
- Eating carotenoid-rich foods every day is important as stress, illness, and ultraviolet radiation can reduce the concentration of carotenoids and other free- radical-fighting antioxidant substances in the skin.
- To help your skin stock up on carotenoids, be sure to include carrots and other orange fruits and vegetables in your diet.
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Try not to let your wrinkle-fighting desires go too far with carrots.
- Massive over-consumption of carrots can cause hypercarotenemia, a condition in which the skin turns orange.
- You’d need to ingest 20 mg of carotene per day (about three eight-inch carrots) to begin to run the risk of developing hypercarotenemia.
- The resulting effect is not pretty, and it goes against what we’re trying to achieve.
- Also be wary that vitamin A can led to toxic symptoms, including birth defects, liver abnormalities, and central nervous system disorders, if consumed at high dosages.
- Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that can accumulate in your tissues, which is helpful when you’re exposed to sunlight (as the pool of vitamin A can help protect your skin against the wrinkle-causing damage of free radicals), but dangerous if taken in excess.
- Daily consumption should not exceed 10,000 IU (most multivitamins only contain 5,000 IU).
- You could never actually eat this many carrots, but some supplements contain high amounts of vitamin A, so be sure to read your labels carefully.
Raw, chopped, or diced carrots make a good snack.
- Take your salad from boring to bright with the simple addition of grated
- Carrots are very versatile; they are quite at home in soups, stews, salads, roasts, pasta sauces, or wraps.
- Never thought of pickled carrots?
- Give it a tr
- Carrots are easy to include in your diet, and because they are a root vegetable that stores easily, these wrinkle-fighting vegetables can be a year-round treat.
#03. Garlic
- Garlic has a mighty reputation to match its mighty
- This member of the lily family, whose cousins include onions, leeks, and chives, has been revered for thousands of years for its healthy, beneficial effects.
- It was given to slaves building the pyramids to enhance their endurance and strength, eaten by athletes in ancient Greece to improve their health and ability, and used for therapeutic purposes in India and China as early as the sixth century C.
- Today, thanks to research that validates its health benefits, garlic has gained unprecedented
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Prevent Inflammation
- Acne, injury, or exposure to toxins can cause skin inflammation, which causes a cascade of issues for the skin, including the presence of free radicals and other damaging compounds.
- Damage to the skin can reduce its resilience and destroy collagen that keeps it firm, leading ultimately to the formation of wrinkles.
- Reducing or preventing inflammation can reduce the risk of wrinkle
- Garlic can prevent inflammation.
- It contains compounds that can inhibit the enzymes lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase, which generate inflammatory messengers.
- These messengers emphasize inflammation in the skin and can cause more damage. Indeed, cyclooxygenase is targeted by common pain medications called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
- Garlic also targets cyclooxygenase, effectively curbing inflammation and reducing wrinkle
Source of Vitamin C
- Your skin will appreciate the vitamin C in garlic.
- This water-soluble antioxidant can help prevent damage in your skin and also boosts the levels of other antioxidants, making it all the more useful and powerful.
- One ounce of garlic contains roughly 15 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin
- Garlic contains a compound called ajoene, which researchers have found might be useful in treating skin cancer.
- A study in the Archives of Dermatology Research reported that ajoene, when applied topically, helped shrink skin cancers in a majority of the patients.
- Could eating garlic have the same effect?
- Eating garlic introduces ajoene to your body, although it may not have as direct an impact as a topical application.
- It is clear, however, that eating garlic offers a number of health benefits to your skin and the rest of your body.
- One of these benefits, for example, is garlic’s ability to boost the immune system.
Read more: Immune Booster; A powerful combination of ginger root, celery, spinach, kale, cucumbers, and apples.
Use garlic daily
- Off-white cloves of garlic are arranged in a head, called the
- Both the cloves and the entire bulb are encased in paper-like sheathes that can be difficult to remove.
- A chef’s trick is to place the bulb on a cutting board and crush it with the heel of your palm to loosen the cloves.
- For ease in peeling them, use the side of your knife to place pressure on them.
- These two tricks can save you a lot of preparation time in the kitchen.
- The taste of garlic is like no other:
- It hits the palate with a hot pungency and a subtle
- There are probably a thousand ways you can add garlic to your diet, from salad dressings and sauces to roasted vegetables and
- Choose garlic that is plump and has unbroken skin, and be sure to check that it feels firm and not damp.
- Avoid garlic that is soft, shriveled, or has begun to sprout.
- For maximum flavor and nutritional benefits, always purchase fresh garlic. Store garlic in an uncovered or loosely covered container in a cool, dark place to help maintain freshness.
#04. Onions
Onions may bring a tear to your eye and pungency to your breath, but they will also bring beauty to your skin.
They contain vitamin C and quercetin, great antioxidants that can protect your skin from the wrinkle-forming damage caused by free radicals, which form in the presence of inflammation and sunlight.
It keeps inflammation at bay.
- The base of many recipes, onions and garlic do not just share space in the kitchen pot; they also share family genes and offer your skin similar healthy benefits.
- Like garlic, onions inhibit lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase, which are enzymes that generate inflammation.
- By reducing inflammation, onions promote beautiful, wrinkle-free skin.
- There are even more compounds in onions that help fight inflammation. Vitamin C, quercetin, and isothiocyanates have anti-inflammatory effects on the skin, helping to stop damage to collagen and other structural components of your skin that keep it tight and strong.
Acne Warriors
- There is yet another way that onions support beautiful skin.
- In one cup (160 g) of onions, you get 20 percent of your recommended daily intake of chromium, which is important in the battle against acne.
- Bacteria is a common cause of acne, and chromium helps reduce skin bacterial infections and thus helps battle acne.
- Let onions help your skin look glowing and beautiful by including this vegetable in your diet.
- Onions can be brown, white, yellow, or red.
- Thanks to Christopher Columbus, who brought onions to the West Indies, their cultivation has spread throughout the Western Hemisphere.
- Today, the leading producers of onions include China, India, the United States, Russia, and Spain.
Read more: The Role of Green Leaf Vegetables in Kidney Health
What’s the best onion to eat?
- That is difficult to answer.
- There are many different types, including Maui Sweet Onion, Vidalia, Spanish, and Walla Walla, to name a few.
- There are also smaller onions like scallions and pearl onions.
- Each offers unique culinary advantages, but all offer similar nutritional compounds known to support the health of your body and your skin.
- Like garlic, onions show up in an endless variety of dishes, from soups to salads to stews.
#05. Spinach
- One of the original superfoods, spinach was first made popular by Popeye, who ate his can of spinach to give him superior strength.
- Just one cup (100 g) of boiled spinach contains more than 1000 percent of your daily value of vitamin K and about 300 percent of vitamin A.
- Plus, one cup gives you most of your daily requirements of manganese, folate, magnesium, and iron.
- It may not make your muscles stronger, but it sure will help you fight wrinkles.
- There are more than a dozen different flavonoid compounds in spinach that function as antioxidants, which prevent damage caused by free radicals.
- The antioxidant properties of these flavonoids in spinach are so amazing that researchers have created specialized spinach extracts.
- These extracts have been used in many clinical studies, and have been found to lower free-radical damage associated with aging and cancer.
- Spinach is also packed with nutrients that can help with conditions in which inflammation plays a role, including asthma, arthritis, and wrinkles.
- Vitamins A and C, both found in spinach, have anti-inflammatory properties and thus help prevent free-radical formation.
Breathe Deeply and Nourish Your Skin
- Iron is one of the most important minerals in your body.
- Red blood cells carry oxygen from your lungs to the tissues in the rest of your body, and iron is an integral component of the compound in red blood cells, hemoglobin, that transports oxygen.
- Hemoglobin is also part of key enzyme systems that produce energy and promote metabolism.
- Your skin is a rapidly regenerating tissue, so its needs for energy, oxygen, and metabolism are particularly high.
- Without proper iron, your skin cannot repair and regenerate properly, and it cannot create sufficient collagen and elastin, the key elements in skin that keep it firm and tight.
- Eating spinach can offer your body the iron it needs to provide sufficient oxygen to your skin to keep it healthy and firm.
- Iron is particularly important for menstruating women who are at risk for iron deficiency.
- Spinach is the best source of iron for your skin because the other most popular source, red meat, contains wrinkle-promoting compounds.
- In one cup (100 g) of boiled spinach, you’ll get 36 percent of your daily value for iron.
Also Read: The Best Green Leafy Vegetables for Healthy Meal
#06. Kale
This leafy-green vegetable is well-known as a healthy food.
Nutritionists suggest that we eat leafy-green vegetables like kale every day, probably because they are full of antioxidants that fight skin-damaging free radicals.
Has the ability to repair and rejuvenate
- Kale is a source of vitamin A, a nutrient used in topical prescriptions to help the skin.
- Vitamin A changes the structure of the skin, stimulating the formation of blood vessels and collagen the main structural component of your skin.
- Increasing the creation of collagen with vitamin A helps keep the skin strong, firm, and wrinkle-free.
- Blood vessels bring oxygen and nutrients to your skin cells, ensuring that they can regenerate and repair.
- Regeneration and repair of skin cells enable the skin to maintain a strong, firm appearance.
- Clinical trials of the vitamin A derivative used in many prescription cosmetics have shown that it improves the overall appearance of the skin.
- It improves skin tone and smoothness while reducing pore size, dark spots, and wrinkles.
- Like many prescriptions, however, there is a downside: Its effects are short-lived.
- Once it is discontinued, the skin returns to the aged appearance it had before the regimen was started.
- Luckily, vitamin A is available in many healthy foods that can be included in your diet consistently, without a downside.
- Ingesting foods rich in vitamin A, like kale, can help stimulate collagen and blood vessel formation, endowing the skin with a youthful, firm appearance.
- Vitamin A also stimulates the growth of the base layer of skin cells which means more beautiful, youthful-looking skin, and helps cells differentiate, a process in which they mature into strong, wrinkle-resistant cells.
- One cup (130 g) of boiled kale contains approximately 192 percent of your recommended daily value of vitamin A.
- Kale is also a particularly good source of manganese, vitamin C, and vitamin
- Manganese is required to activate the enzyme that allows the body to use vitamin C, one of the most important antioxidants in the skin.
- Kale is a great addition to any wrinkle-fighting menu.
Also read: 5 Things to Consider in Your Vegetable Selection and Consumption
#07. Brussels Sprouts
- Brussels sprouts are a must on your list of wrinkle-fighting foods.
- Despite their small size, they’re packed with amazing antioxidants, which disarm free radicals and reduce damage to collagen, thus reducing the formation of wrinkles.
- Your body has built-in detoxification processes that remove compounds, such as free radicals, that cause skin damage.
- Some plant nutrients, called phytonutrients, can work at an even deeper level in our bodies by signaling to your skin to increase the production of these detoxifying enzymes.
- All cruciferous vegetables, including Brussels sprouts, contain phytonutrients and optimize your skin cells’ ability to disarm and clear free radicals and other toxins.
- Today, researchers have concluded that eating cruciferous vegetables frequently (3 to 5 times per week) lowers the risk of prostate cancer, colorectal cancer, and lung cancer.
- If these miniature cabbages can help remove toxins that cause cancer, one can just imagine how many wrinkle-causing toxins they can remove as well.
- Brussels sprouts contain ample amounts of both the fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin A and beta-carotene, both of which play important roles in promoting supple, glowing skin.
- Brussels sprouts also contain about 160 percent of your daily recommended amount of vitamin C, the body’s primary water-soluble antioxidant, which supports the manufacture of one of the skin’s main structural components: collagen.
Getting maximize the potency
- The best way to eat Brussels sprouts for wrinkle prevention, however, is to lightly steam them.
- This method of cooking has been shown to retain the most phytonutrients and maximize their availability.
- Alternatively, Brussels sprouts make a lovely sauté, like in our Brussels Sprouts with Mustard and Spicy Maple Pecans.
- They can also be scattered around a chicken during roasting for a richer, more caramelized flavor.
- Brussels sprouts are available year-round, although they are at their best from autumn through early spring when they reach the peak of their growing season.
- If possible, choose organically grown varieties, as they contain higher levels of phytonutrients than their conventionally grown counterparts.
We will be looking at fruits effects on wrinkle in our next article stay connected through our social media platforms below ⇓
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