The Possible Cause of Back Pain You Might not Know; Let us find out.

The Possible Cause of Back Pain You Might not Know; Let us find out.
The accumulation of intestinal waste also affects the normally very strong muscles of the ascending, transverse, and descending colon.
One of their functions is to assist the body in maintaining a normal body posture.
Insufficient blood and nutrient supply to the muscle cells that make up the large intestine causes them to become loose and weak.
A prolapsed transverse colon is enough to significantly distort one’s posture.
The spinal column is forced to cave in and help the rest of the body adapt to the collapsing structures of the colon.
And according to Andreas Moritz, the main sections of the gastro-intestinal tract are affixed to the spinal column.
So, when the large intestine, for example, is forced to accommodate extra amounts of waste material other than the daily normal amount, the lower spine may be pulled forward by the weight of this load.
Since the resulting distortion of the spinal curvature puts an unequal distribution of body weight onto the spine, there are several stress points generated, particularly in the area of the spine that lies closest to the rectum.
It is at these stress points that the body weight is concentrated most.
This can lead to major lower back problems.
The abnormal change of curvature in the lower back also forces the upper back and neck areas to undergo major abnormal displacements.
In many cases, the neck is found to be curving forward, and the head is no longer sitting on the shoulders.
- These conditions are felt as chronic pain in the neck and shoulders.
- Physical movement becomes increasingly difficult once the spinal structure has been altered in this way.
- Consequently, lifting heavy objects or bending to the floor can cause muscle spasms and back pain for days and weeks, and even dislocate discs.
- In many cases, the enlarged colon puts pressure on kidneys and the urinary ducts (ureters) and displaces them.
- This may lead to retention of irritating and inflammation-causing urinary deposits, which is the main cause of the excruciating pain in the lower back that plague so many millions of people.
- Prostrate health and sexual performance may also be affected.
Another very common cause of back problems is gallstone formation in the liver and gallbladder.
The digestive fire, is fuelled by bile.
A person who accumulates toxic waste in the colon is also most likely to have stones in the liver and gallbladder.
The two disorders go hand in hand.
As the gallstones grow in size and number, the liver and gallbladder become enlarged and exert increasing pressure on the surrounding organs and parts of the body.
The liver spans almost the entire width of the body.
When this already large organ becomes even more enlarged, it restricts the movement of the diaphragm and reduces the breathing capacity of the lungs.
The restricted breathing forces the lungs to hold back abnormal amounts of the acidic gas, carbon dioxide.
To protect themselves against the extra acid, the lungs respond by producing more mucus than they normally would.
This leads to lung congestion.
If this situation is not resolved at the causal level, more and more mucus, dead cells and metabolic waste accumulate both in the lungs and bronchi.
Eventually, the lungs become so enlarged that they push out the back, and in some more severe cases, also the chest.
The back and shoulders become harder and more rounded, as it is so often seen among the elderly and middle-aged, but now also among teenagers.
All this may be accompanied by pain in the upper back, neck and shoulders.
The accumulation of gallstones in the gallbladder can give rise to hundreds of different symptoms in the body.
If the gallbladder which is attached to the back of the liver is packed with gallstones,
The body needs to adapt its posture to the increasing pressure that the gallbladder exerts against the surrounding tissue and the spinal column.
The result is spinal scoliosis, a common phenomenon among both the young and the old.
The right shoulder may drop and the left shoulder may become raised.
In some cases, even the left rib cage may begin to protrude.
There may also be pain between the shoulder blades and a strong, dull ache in the middle/upper back area while standing upright for a while.
The right shoulder and arm may become stiff.
Frozen shoulder and tennis elbow are clear indications that gallstones are present in the liver and gallbladder.
If gallstones get stuck in one of the major bile ducts, there is strong, sharp pain around the area of the right shoulder, which may spread toward the entire back region.
At that stage, due to spasmodic pain attacks, breathing becomes increasingly difficult.
All of this can produce permanent back problems
Unless the chunks of toxic waste are removed from the colon, gallstones removed through cleansing from the liver and gallbladder, and the kidney/ureters are cleansed, the causes for back pain are likely to continue or worsen.
The symptoms linked with these obstructions are not limited to the back.
The congestion in these organs can also lead to a disruption in the flow of energy through the spinal nerves, contributing to problems in the legs, such as;
- poor circulation,
- numbness,
- pain,
- and varicose veins.
Another major cause of back problems is dehydration,
Which is caused by stimulating (diuretic) foods, such as meat, coffee, tea, soft drinks, power drinks, alcohol, and by inadequate intake of fresh drinking water.
Imagine that the water stored in the core of the spinal column supports over 75 percent of the weight of the upper body
Both restricted water supply and accumulated waste in the intestinal tract decrease the volume of spinal water and deplete the water contained in the disk cartilage and surrounding back muscles.
Both may also lead to thinning of the inter-vertebral disks and, thereby, to muscle spasms.
The shortening of height among the elderly, which is so often attributed to “normal” aging, has actually nothing to do with aging, but with simple dehydration due to the reasons outlined above.
Back problems remain serious and complex problems only for as long as the most basic needs of the body are not met.
Unless a back injury has occurred due to an accident, back problems can be permanently resolved; and even among most injuries, there can be significant improvements.
The following are simple solutions to the most complex back problems:
- Give the body sufficient amounts of water to drink.
- Remove accumulated waste materials from the intestinal tract.
- Eliminate all gallstones from the liver and gallbladder.
- Dissolve kidney stones.