- When you’re presented with a new idea that defies your limitations for yourself,
- I hope you will not fight to preserve those limitations.
- I hope you will not spend more of your energy outlining why you cannot when you could spend it envisioning how you might.
- I hope you will learn to think beyond the parameters of what you’ve previously assumed is possible,
- I hope you will be able to tell life what the end goal could be,
- And I hope you will be able to listen as life shows you how to get there.
- Moreover, the person you really are is not the one who shows up on Friday.
- Not the person on your résumé.
- Not the person other people have made you up to be.
- You are the person who wakes up in the morning and carries yourself through the day.
- You are the person who cries with grief and loves with all the hope you have left in you.
- You are the person who dreams, who tries, who fails, and who returns.
- You are so much more than what you appear to be.
- You are so much more than what anyone just looking on the surface could see.