Possible Signs of Dyslexia

Possible Signs of Dyslexia
The following list is not exhaustive, and it contains some points that may seem of little significance
However, it is designed to help educators recognize the potential for a learning difficulty.
An adult or adolescent with dyslexia may have:
- A history of delays in learning to read
- Difficulty reading aloud
- Problems with comprehension
- Taking longer than other students to read
- Tendency to use easy-to-read sources or not research widely enough
- Problems addressing written tasks or instructions.
- Poor penmanship
- Difficulty with spelling
- Grammar problems not heard in the student’s speech (e.g. using the wrong word form)
- Random use of capitalisation
- Problems with organizing writing
- Problems with recognizing formatting (e.g. the use of italics when referencing).
- Difficulty with memorization
- Difficulty with organisation
- Not being able to complete tasks on time
- Occasional difficulty finding the right word in speech; sometimes using the wrong word (e.g. pizza instead of taco)
- Difficulty taking notes
- Difficulty paying attention for long amounts of time.
People with dyslexia are sometimes perceived as lazy, even when doing their best.
Teachers are encouraged to speak to students who are not achieving as well as expected to find out how they can help.