TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; You were probably taught to resist your own growth.


TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; You were probably taught to resist your own growth.

  • You will resist your own growth.
  • You will resist your own growth because you were taught that what’s most familiar is most worthwhile.
  • You will resist your own growth because you came to believe letting go is a loss when it is in fact a beginning.
  • You will resist your own growth because you do not yet know that nothing presses us to release it unless something else is imminently waiting to arrive.
  • You will resist your own growth in the same way a seed must break through its own shell before it can take root, in the same way the darkest hour of the night is the one before the first light of dawn meets the horizon.
  • You will resist your own growth until you learn that growth is all there is, and when you try to stop your own evolution, you stand in the way of every beautiful thing you intend to experience.
  • You will resist your own growth because it is scary to grow, but slowly you will realize, it is far scarier not to.


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