TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; What are you actually doing with your now?


TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; What are you actually doing with your now?

  • Now, now, now.
  • It’s all happening now.
  • Everything.
  • All of it.
  • Every joy, every sorrow.
  • The planting of every seed and the blooming of every flower.
  • The sunrise on one side of the world and the sunset on the other.
  • Every memory, every projection, every hope, every fear all stemming from the forever now.
  • What if it is not that you cannot understand your past or imagine your future, but that you have not yet learned how to be here, now, now: the single stage where all of the time unfolds?
  • What if the journey was always about learning how to be in it, be with it, here, now?
  • It’s now, now, now.
  • Now or never, now or no time at all.
  • It’s only ever now.

But the big Question is;

What are you doing with your now?

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