TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; That is what makes you a complete being.

TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; That is what makes you a complete being.
- What inspired you in your heaviest chapter?
- What made you once again believe in love?
- What soothed you when your heart had sown itself into the recesses of your body, and what helped it heal?
- What made you come to know yourself better?
- What questions yielded the most striking response?
- What did you once not know to think of that is now a regular part of your mentality?
- What made you feel most clearly alive?
- What nearly killed you?
- What made you believe again?
- What helped you cry when the tears were so bound into your throat you feared you’d never be able to let go?
- What do you not yet know?
- What do you know for sure?
- What’s making you into the person you’re going to be?
That is what makes you a complete being.