TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; How do you know what to do next?


TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; How do you know what to do next?

  • You ask yourself, honestly, what your 90-year-old self would advise you to do.
  • What they would have wished you had done.
  • You ask yourself, honestly, what you’ve sensed from the beginning.
  • What you have ignored, what you have quieted and distracted yourself from.
  • You make two lists, the positives, and the negatives, and you weigh them.
  • And if there is one thing on the left that overpowers the dozen things on the right, then you trust that.
  • You ask yourself what path will make you more of the person you are meant to be.
  • At the end of the day, we are all looking for a soft place to land, arms that want to hold us, and someone who is willing to listen.
  • We all just want to be loved, we all just want to be known.
  • Remember that when you are struggling to understand someone.
  • We are not so different on the inside, although the surface may tell a different story.

That is how you know what to do next?

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