TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; Heed the inner calls there’s more here than you realize.


TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; Heed the inner calls there’s more here than you realize.

  • With how much detail can you describe the antennae of a flower, the sunset, or the best night of your life?
  • With how much understanding can you explain how you overcame your greatest challenges?
  • How deeply do you know yourself?
  • Your life enriches as you expand your ability to describe and understand the processes and intricacies of what it is to be alive.
  • The little nudges, the quiet voices that direct your vision toward the next place you’re meant to be.
  • These forms of guidance are not always so clear.
  • They are subtle because they are still seeds.
  • They are still undirected, unactualized potential.
  • Listen to them, ask about them, and let them show you the way to the place on the planet where they may come to be.

Pay attention.

Heed the inner calls there’s more here than you realize.

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