Multiple Choice Questions on Humans Ecology and Health with Answers. (1)



1. Which of the following roles is not performed by a government agency responsible for forest maintenance?

A. Regulating mining activities in the forest.

B. Tracking the movement of timber, wood and wildlife.

C. Creating, protecting and managing forest reserves.

D. Regulating the harvest of timber and poaching.

2. Harmful organisms spread easily because of

A. poorly designed homes

B. poor personal hygiene and sanitation

C. poorly designed hospitals

D. mosquitoes and houseflies

3. Self-medication should be avoided because

A. it makes the mind and body healthy.

B. it makes the individual addicted to drug.

C. individual may become over productive.

D. physicians are denied the chance of practice

4. Which of the following practices is a form of drug abuse?

A. taking two tablets of pain killer at the onset of a headache.

B. Swallowing a prescribed tablet without chewing it first.

C. Swallowing a prescribed tablet with a large volume of water.

D. taking a less dosage of a prescribed tablet

5. Which of the following diseases is not associated by with animals?

A. Mosaic

B. Rabbis

C. Anthrax

D. Newcastle

6. Which micro-organism is likely to be transmitted to a person if bitten by tsetsefly?

A. Plasmodium

B. Simulium

C  Trypanosoma

D. Schistosoma

7. Diseases that affect both human and livestock are classified as ………..diseases.

A. Communicable

B. Endemic

C. Zoonotic

D. Epizootic.

8. Screening of blood before transfusion is done to:

A. Avoid giving contaminated blood

B. Determine the nutrient level of blood

C. Purify the blood.

9. Which of the following diseases can be controlled by injecting the person with insulin?

A. Diabetes

B. Goitre

C. Pneumonia

D. Asthma

10. Which of the following is water borne?

A. Yellow fever

B. Bilharzias

C. Tuberculosis

D. Rabies

11. Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungus?


B. Gonorrhoea

C. Measles

D. Ringworm

12. Microbes are rendered inactive by

A. boiling

B. infection

C. pasteurization

D. refrigeration

13. Which of the following organisms causes syphilis?

A. Mycobacterium tuberculosis

B. Bordetalla pertussis

C. Treponema pallidum

D. Clostridium tetani

14. Which of the following diseases is not caused by virus?

A. Influenza

B. Yellow fever

C. Elephantiasis

D. Poliomyelitis

15. The housefly has a mouthparts adapted for:

A. piercing and sucking

B. sucking and chewing

C. lapping and sponging

D. chewing and lapping

16. Houseflies are economically important to man because they:

A. hover around all places

B. deprive man of the good taste of food.

C. are vectors of numerous diseases.

D. encourage the decay of organic matter

17. The vector of a parasite that causes a disease in both man and livestock is:

A. Bulinua ap.

B. Anopheles sp.

C. Simulium sp.

D. Glossinna sp.

18. A parasite that causes serious anaemia is

A. filarial

B. hookworm

C. Schistosoma

D. tapeworm

19. Which of the following organisms cannot exist freely on its own

A. Chlamydomonas

B. Amoeba

C. Paramecium                   

D. Plasmodium

20. Cholera is mostly spread by:

A. noise

B. Water

C. Soil

D. Air

21. Which of the following is a deficiency disease?

A. Poliomyelitis

B. Dysentery

C. Scurvy

D. Cholera

Use the tropical diseases listed below to
answer Questions 22 and 23.

I. Cholera                         II.  Measles

III. Malaria                        IV. Ringworm

22. Which of the diseases can be prevented through personal hygiene?

A. I and II only

B. I and IV only

C. II and III

D. III and IV only

23. Which of the diseases are transmitted through contact?

A. I and II only

B. I and IV only

C. I, II and IV

D. II and IV only

24. The vector of malaria parasite is the

A. female anopheles mosquito

B. female aedes mosquito

C. male culex mosquito

D. female culex mosquito

25. Which of the following diseases is caused by a bacterium

A. Ringworm

B. Poliomyelitis

C. Malaria

D. Syphilis

26. Bacterial disease can best be controlled through

A. pasteurization

B. purification of water

C. proper disposal of sewage

D. vaccination

27. Which of the following statements about immunization is false?

A. Malaria vaccine is widely used in Africa.

B. Dead or less potent pathogens are introduced into a person’s body during the Process

C. the process induces the production of antibodies in a person’s body

D. Tuberculosis can be prevented by the process

28. The importance of immunization in children is to:

A. destroy pathogens in the body.

B. increase the production of CO2

C. stimulates the production of antibodies

D. stimulates the production of antigens

29. Detergents which pollute water bodies mainly comes from:

A. Agricultural practices

B. homes

C. Textile industries

D. ocean liners

30. The death of yeast cells after prolonged anaerobic respiration may be due to

A. high concentration of ethanol in the medium

B. high concentration of lactic acid in the medium

C. lack of adequate oxygen

D. increase in temperature of the medium.

31. Carbon dioxide produced by yeast is used in:

A. causing pito to ferment

B. causing bread to rise

C. making drugs potent

D. giving taste to cheese.

32. Which of the following preparation does not involves fermentation?

A. brewing pito

B. making porridge

C. making rice balls

D. making kenkey

33. Which of the following is not easily biodegradable?

A. Polythene bags

B. Cotton bags

C. Hide and skin bags

D. Paper bags

34. When oil is used to cover the surface of stagnant water bodies as a control measure against malaria, the intention is to:

A. prevent the evaporation of the water.

B. suffocate the larvae and pupae

C. prevent the adult flies from laying eggs.

D. destroy the source of food for the larvae.

35. One set back in the use of water closet is

A. its nearness to the living room

B. its dependence on water

C. that it is not durable

D. that it emits offensive odour

36. The most hygienic method of sewage disposal is

A. bucket latrine


C. pit latrine

D. water closet.

Use the substances listed below to answer Questions 37 and 38

I. Fertilizer                           II.  Insecticide

III. Sewage                            IV. Crude oil

V. Sulphur dioxide

37. The atmosphere can be polluted by

A. II only

B. II and V only

C. III only

D. V only

38. Which of the substances constitute(s) domestic waste?

A. I only

B. I and III only

C. III only

D. IV only

39. In modern times, emphasis is placed on the production of biodegradable substances because

A. they are less expensive

B. their raw materials occur in abundance

C. their waste products can be recycled

D. their effects are easily destroyed by organisms

40. The water bodies are polluted by

A. carbon dioxide

B. fertilizer

C. fluorine

D. sulphur dioxide

41. Carbon monoxide is poisonous to tissue by

A. constricting the blood vessels

B. killing the cells

C. combining irreversibly with haemoglobin

D. rapturing the blood vessels

42. Bush burning may result in:

A. increase in the acidity of the soil

B. increase in the activity of soil organisms

C. returns to soil of lost nutrients

D. degradation of top soil

43. Which of the following products constitute land pollutants?

A. Heavy metals and oil

B. Pesticides and detergents

C. Refuse and hot water

D. Heavy metals and refuse

44. Dumping of large quantities of untreated sewage into a river will result in

A. stratification of plankton

B. thermal stratification of the water bodies

C. failure of algal blooms to develop

D. increased demand for oxygen

45. Which of the following measures is not a way of controlling pollution?

A. Recycling of industrial waste

B. Use of car fitted with efficient engines

C. Cooking of meals under hygienic condition

D. Treatment of raw sewage.

46. Which of the following is not a way of reducing air pollution?

A. sitting factories and power stations away from residential areas

B. Building tall factory chimneys

C. Passing waste gases through filters and absorber.

D. Recycling tins, can and bottles

47. Which of the following systems in the human body is directly affected when carbon monoxide is inhaled?

A. Circulatory system

B. Digestive system

C. Nervous system

D. Excretory system

48. Which of the following gases is hazardous to human even when present in minute quantity?

A. Carbon dioxide

B. Hydrogen

C. Carbon monoxide

D. Nitrogen

49. Pollutants are substances:

A. from industries only

B. in the atmosphere.

C. which breed harmful organisms

D. which makes the environment harmful to life.

50. Chlorine is employed in the treatment of water to:

A. add taste to the water

B. settle particles in the water

C. render the water colourless

D. kill micro-organisms

51. The incidence of disease is reduced when the environment is kept clean because:

A. houseflies are destroyed

B. disease causing organisms can easily be identified.

C. pathogens will be eliminated from the environment.

D. breeding grounds of vectors and pathogens will be destroyed.

52. Which of the following is an effect of drug abuse?

A. Increase in the body weight

B. Early cure of diseases

C. Becoming addicted

D. Gaining self confidence

53. Light is excluded in water culture experiments because

A. light will bread down the chemicals

B. light will ionise the water molecules

C. heat should be retained in the

D. light will encourage the growth of algae.

54. Which of the following gases is/are air Pollutant?

I. SO2             II. N2             III. CO

A. I and III only

B. III only

C. II only

D. I only

55. Lead poisoning can cause one of the following:

A. food poisoning

B. greenhouse effects

C. Mental retardation in children

56. Greenhouse effect is caused by:

A. excessive agricultural activities

B. Emission of excess CO2 into the atmosphere.

C. Excessive use of nitrogen fertilizers.

D. Emission of H2S into the atmosphere

57. Which of the following gases warms the atmosphere?

A. carbon dioxide

B. carbon monoxide

C. Nitrogen oxide

D. Sulphur dioxide

58. Depletion of the ozone layer may result in

A. reduction of human immunity to disease

B. destruction of the screen against ultra-violet rays of the sun.

C. lowering of the concentration of atmospheric oxygen.

D. reduction in annual rainfall

59. The depletion of the ozone layer will result in the earth’s surface receiving more of

A. ultra violet rays

B. infrared rays

C. gamma rays

D. X – rays

60. When a substance is said to be biodegradable, it means

A. it is easily broken down by micro organisms

B. it is easily digested in the stomach

C. its effect persisted in the environment

D. it is a by-product of no biological importance.

61. Which of the following human activities would help prevent endangered species from extinction?

A. Uncontrolled killing of the species

B. Regular clearing of forest vegetation

C. Temporary maintenance of the species in zoological garden

D. Regular irrigation of their natural habitats.

62. Which of the following measures would be taken first in a case of fire disaster?

A. Evacuate everybody from the building

B. Salvage properties not engulfed by fire

C. Provide an alternate shelter

D. Arrange for medical services

63. In order to protect endangered species, it is important for countries to

A. export wildlife

B. domesticate wildlife

C. conserve wildlife

64. The establishment to game reserves and parks is a method of:

A. conserving natural resources

B. cultivating game

C. controlling pollution

D. cultural awareness

65. The term afforestation is used to describe the

A. planting of value to man

B. felling of trees in the forest

C. recycling of waste forest products

D. fallowing of forest land.

66. Tropical rainforest can be conserved through all the following processes except:

A. shifting cultivation

B. agro forestry

C. selective logging

D. crop rotation

67. The effect of forest conservation is the

A. destruction of habitat

B. loss of rare species

C. prevention of soil erosion

D. increase in CO2 concentration

68. Which of the following methods will not contribute towards the conservation of the fish stock of a large lake?

A. Fish breeding

B. Seasonal farming

C. Unrestricted fishing

D. Using specified fish net size

69. Conservation of wildlife is necessary mainly because:

A. wild species cannot resist diseases better than domesticated species.

B. many predator wild animals helps in the control of pests

C. many people derive pleasure from observing wild animals

D. it represents extinction of species.

70. The conservation of fishing grounds from over exploitation can be achieved by all the following except:

A. the use of nets with all sizes of mesh

B. legislation against fishing in certain Areas

C. ban on harvesting of some species

D. limiting the period of fishing in the water.

71. Conservation of natural resources can be enhanced by all the following practices except

A. controlling farm practices

B. protecting endangered species

C. poaching in game reserves

D. establishing parks and gardens

72. Which of the following resources is renewable?

A. Soil

B. Air

C. wild life

D. Crude oil

73. Which of the following is not a conservable resource?

A. Water

B. Sunlight

C. Soil

D. Minerals

74. Which of the following resources is non-renewable?

A. Forest reserve

B. water

C. mineral deposit

D. wild life

75. Conservation of the ecosystem means

A. no destruction of animal species

B. elimination of harmful species

C. rational utilization of natural resources.

D. prohibition of the use of pesticides


  1. A. Regulating mining activities in the
  2. B. poor personal hygiene and sanitation
  3. B. it makes the individual addicted to drug.
  4. A. taking two tablets of pain killer at the onset of a headache.
  5. A. Mosaic
  6. C. Trypanosoma
  7. C. Zoonotic
  8. A. Avoid giving contaminated blood
  9. A. Diabetes
  10. B. Bilharzias
  11. D. Ringworm
  12. D. refrigeration
  13. C. Treponema pallidum
  14. C. Elephantiasis
  15. A. piercing and sucking
  16. C. are vectors of numerous diseases
  17. A. Bulinua ap.
  18. C. Schistosoma
  19. D. Plasmodium
  20. B. Water
  21. C. Scurvy
  22. B. I and IV only
  23. D. II and IV only
  24. A. female anopheles’ mosquito
  25. D. Syphilis
  26. A. pasteurization
  27. A. Malaria vaccine is widely used in Africa.
  28. D. stimulates the production of antigens.
  29. C. Textile industries
  30. A. high concentration of ethanol in the medium
  31. B. causing bread to rise
  32. C. making rice balls
  33. A. Polythene bags
  34. B. suffocate the larvae and pupae
  35. B. its dependence on water
  36. D. water closet.
  37. B. II and V only
  38. C. III only
  39. D. their effects are easily destroyed by organisms
  40. B. fertilizer
  41. C. combining irreversibly with haemoglobin
  42. D. degradation of top soil
  43. Heavy metals and refuse
  44. D. increased demand for oxygen
  45. C. Cooking of meals under hygienic condition
  46. D. Recycling tins, can and bottles
  47. A. Circulatory system
  48. C. Carbon monoxide
  49. D. which makes the environment harmful to life.
  50. D. kill micro-organisms
  51. D. breeding grounds of vectors and pathogens will be destroyed.
  52. C. Becoming addicted
  53. D. light will encourage the growth of algae
  54. A. I and III only
  55. C. Mental retardation in children
  56. B. Emission of excess CO2 into the atmosphere.
  57. A. carbon dioxide
  58. B. destruction of the screen against ultra-violet rays of the sun.
  59. A. ultra violet rays
  60. A. it is easily broken down by micro-organisms
  61. Temporary maintenance of the species in zoological garden
  62. A. Evacuate everybody from the building.
  63. conserve wildlife
  64. conserving natural resources
  65. A. planting of value to man.
  66. A. shifting cultivation.
  67. C. prevention of soil erosion.
  68. C. Unrestricted fishing.
  69. D. it represents extinction of species.
  70. A. the use of nets with all sizes of mesh.
  71. C. poaching in game reserves
  72. C. wild life
  73. B. Sunlight
  74. C. mineral deposit.
  75. C. rational utilization of natural resources.

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