Enlighten integrated science sample multiple choice questions for SHS, (2023).

1. The state of candle wax can be changed if the energy it contain is :

A. decreased

B. increased.

C. maintained at room temperature

D. maintained below room temperature.

2. Which of the following is not a pollutant in the atmosphere?

A. sulphur dioxide

B. nitrogen

C. carbon monoxide

D. nitrogen (II) oxide

3. Which one of the following is an organ?

A. kidney

B. bone

C. epidermal cells

D. palisade mesophyll cells

4. Which of the following structures produce sperm in male mammals?

A. epididymis.

B. seminal vesicles

C. seminiferous tubules

D. vas deferens

5. The testes of a male mammals hang outside the body because;

A. the temperature inside the body is too low for maximum sperm production

B. the temperature inside the body is too high for maximum sperm production

C. the scrotal sac lives outside the body.

6. Which of the following is the collective name for the group of female sex hormones produced by the ovary of female mammals?

A. androgens

B. oestrogens

C. progesterone

D. testosterone

7. One advantages of male circumcision is to;

A. declare the individual holy

B. confer manhood on the individual

C. prevent infection of the tip of the penis.

D. enables the penis to become erect

8. Identical twins look alike because:

A. the develop from one ovum fertilised by two sperms at the same time.

B. the develop from two ova fertilised by one sperm at the same time.

C. the develop from two ova fertilised by two sperms at the same time.

D. the develop from one ovum fertilised by one sperm.

9. Which of the following is the outermost embryonic membrane of the mammalian embryo.

A. amnion

B. allantois

C. chorion.

D. yolk sac.

10. Which of the following breeds of fowl is a dual purpose type?

A. Brown Leghorn

B. White Leghorn

C. Rhode Island Red

D. Plymouth Rock

11. A good layer has a;

A. heavy body

B. dry vent

C. soft abdomen

D. warm comb

12. The brooder equipment used in concentrating  heat on the chicks is known as;

A. hover

B. chick guard

C. thermometer

D. lamp

13. Which on of the following is an example of semi-intensive system of poultry keeping?

A. deep litter

B. battery cage

C. fold unit

D. free range.

14. Which poultry disease is characterised by the sick bird tucking its head under the wing?

A. Newcastle disease

B. coccidiosis

C. pullorum

D. gumboro disease

15. When red light and green light are mixed the resulting colour is

A. blue

B. cyan

C. magenta

D. yellow

16. A non-luminous body such as the moon can be seen when the light falling on it is

A. absorbed

B. diffracted

C. reflected

D. refracted.

17. All the following are secondary colours of light except

A. cyan

B. magenta

C. red

D. yellow

18. A pencil is placed vertically between the pole of a concave mirror and its focal point. The image will be

A. real, enlarge and erect

B. virtual, erect and enlarge

C. virtual, inverted and enlarge

D. real, enlarge and inverted.

19. The colour of a light depends on its

A. amplitude

B. intensity

C. velocity

D. frequency

20. A convex mirror is used as a driving mirror because it has a wide field of view and it forms images that are;

A. diminished and real

B. diminished and virtual

C. magnified and real

D. magnified and virtual.

21. Which of the following would produce a virtual, erect and enlarged image?

A. a converging lens with the object at its focus

B. a diverging lens with the object at a distance between its focal length and twice the focal length;

C. a converging lens with the object at a distance less than its focal length.

D. a diverging lens with the object at a distance less than its focal length.

22. A total eclipse of the sun is seen when the observer is in the

A. umbra region of the sun’s shadow

B. penumbra region of the moon’s shadow

C. umbra region of the moon’s shadow

D. umbra region of the earth’s shadow

23. Regular reflection of light occurs when the reflector is

A. curved with a rough surface

B. smooth with a shiny surface.

C. rough with a black surface.

D. rough with a white surface.

24. A piece of ice is trapped at the bottom of a test tube full of water, and the test tube is heated near the top. The ice remains unmelted even when the water at the top of the test tube boils. Which of the following is not a factor that prevents heat from reaching the bottom of the tube.

A. Water is a poor conductor of heat

B. glass is a poor conductor of heat

C. there are no convection currents through the water

D. there is no downward radiation through the water.

25. Which of the following statements about the absolute scale of temperature is correct?

A. the temperature scale starts at 273K

B. the zero point is 273K degrees below 0 degree  Celsius.

C. the temperature at which ice melts is -273K

D. the temperature at which water boils is 100K

26. The heat required to melt a substance (melting point 60.C, specific heat capacity 100 JKg-1K-1 and latent heat of fusion 20,000 JKg-1) of mass 0.50Kg, initially at 50.C, is:

A. 1,050J

B. 1,500J

C. 10,000J

D. 10,500J

27. Heat can be lost through the skin by all the following processes except;

A. condensation

B. radiation

C. conduction

D. evaporation

28. The following are natural hazards except

A. earthquakes

B asbestos dust

C. disease

D. forest fire

29. One of the best ways to put off the fire from a gas source is to;

A. cover it with a blanket

B. pour water on it.

C. close the tap to the gas supply

D. switch off the electric light

30. The following statements about corrosive substances are true except;

A. corrosive substances can destroy the skin

B. concentrated Tetraoxosulphate (vi) acid is corrosive

C. corrosive substances dissolve glass

D. containers of corrosive substances should be labelled with appropriate hazard symbols.

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