Avoid Stimulants as Much as Possible; They Have the Ability to Make Strong People Weak

Avoid Stimulants as Much as Possible; They Have the Ability to Make Strong People Weak
All stimulants are “sweet” when taken but “bitter” in their effect.
You can become addicted to them without even recognizing your dependency.
If you are used to drinking a few cups of coffee a day, try this:
Go on a “coffee fast,” which means having no coffee for an entire day, and observe how you feel as the day goes on.
After a few hours, you may notice a dull sensation in your head and a feeling of weakness and lack of energy throughout the body.
Some people develop headaches in the afternoon;
Others yawn and feel downcast due to the weakening effect of the coffee on the heart.
You may argue, “but drinking coffee is normal, everyone does it.”
Most people in the industrialized nations fall seriously ill at some stage in their lives, which is now considered to be an almost “normal” experience, too.
Stimulants, as contained in coffee, tea and cigarettes, seem to be welcome and fast-acting substances for those who feel the need for a boost of energy, to wake up their mind or to feel more buoyant and alive.
But since these substances have no real energy on their own, just stimulants, where then is the stimulated energy coming from?
Obviously, the body is providing it.
Stimulants are nerve toxins that trigger a powerful defense reaction in the body.
This immune response is what you experience as a boost in energy when you drink a cup of coffee or smoke a cigarette.
So, in reality, the experienced increase of physical energy is but an energy loss for the body.
There are also other causes of energy depletion, such as eating food.
Natural food, although it has a stimulating effect, provides balanced doses of physical energy and helps to maintain all the functions in the body.
This kind of natural stimulation maintains physiological balance or homeostasis.
Eating too much of any kind of food, on the other hand, causes overstimulation and so does regular snacking.
Excessive sexual activity, overworking, stress and fear can also be causes of continuous overstimulation.
Overstimulation occurs when the body, in its attempt to deal with the increased demand and its consequences, begins to over-secrete its own stimulants.
They are the stress hormones adrenalin, cortisol, cortisone, endorphins, prolactin, etc., which are needed to sustain the body’s most essential activities.
Yet abusing the stress response and wasting the body’s energy resources take their toll.
One of the undesirable side effects of excessive adrenalin secretion, for example, is a constriction of important blood vessels, including those that supply the intestinal tract.
This greatly cuts down the body’s ability to digest food and eliminate toxic waste products.
Consequently, abnormal amounts of toxins are withheld there, which even forces some of them to enter the bloodstream.
Toxins have a very strong stimulating influence on the body, which may drive a person into a mode of hyperactivity.
The body’s energy reserves become depleted even further, which gradually leads toward a toxicity crisis or an acute illness.
The toxicity crisis can weaken the body to such an extent that it is literally put to rest so as not to waste any more energy.
This in turn helps the body to save energy.
It uses the saved energy to break down the toxins and eliminate them from the afflicted area.
If the energy-depleting causes are discontinued, the body will regain its balance,
But if they are not, the body may enter one crisis after another until it falls seriously ill.
Through constant over-stimulation, even a strong and healthy person may eventually become weak, frail and sick.