Enlighten Exams, trier question for nursing training college (Ghana) 2.


1. …………… is a system where each of the twenty six alphabets (letters) is represented manually by an individual on a single hand.

A. Finger spelling

B. Residual therapy

C. Sign language

2. ……………… is a visual gesture language which evolves through a natural process as a result of the hearing impaired trying to communicate.

A. Finger spelling

B. Sign language

C. Speech therapy

3. It is described as a collection of people who share some attributes of their lives.

A. Community

B. Family

C. Illness

4. It is important for the Public Health Nurse Manager to know the main motivators in her work unit which include:

I. Advancement

II. Good working conditions

III. Level of motivation

IV. Recognition

A. I, II & III

B. I, II & IV


5. Kofi Amoako, a 22 years old young adult reported at your facility with painless sore/ ulcer on his penis. According to him this is the second time the ulcer has appeared on his penis. Without lab investigation what do you think Kofi is likely to suffer from, Kofi is suffering from……….

A. candidiasis

B. syphilis

C. trichomoniasis

6. Kofi Amoako, a 22 years old young adult reported at your facility with painless sore/ ulcer on his penis. According to him this is the second time the ulcer has appeared on his penis. A blood sample was taken for investigation. Among the listed organisms below, which of them will the reagent or the microscope identify?

A. Bacteria

B. Protozoa

C. Virus

7. Kofi Amoako, a 22 years old young adult reported to your facility with painless sore/ ulcer on his penis. According to him this is the second time the ulcer has appeared on his penis. What stage of the infection is he likely to show this manifestation?

A. Primary stage

B. secondary stage

C. Latent stage

8. Kofi’s girlfriend who is also breastfeeding two month baby can also be put on following drugs for treatment of syphilis EXECPT…….

A. Ciprofloxacin

B. tetracycline

C. penicillin

9. Leadership can be viewed as a process of:

A. directing people to perform any work effectively

B. giving the necessary resources for work to be done

C. influencing the activities of people

10. Maame Shasha always irons her clothing as well as that of her children. Why should clothes be ironed before wearing?

I. To kill harmful germs

II. To make them look presentable

III. To remove stubborn stains

IV. To make them waterproof

A. I, II


C. I, IV

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  1. A. Finger spelling
  2. B. Sign language
  3. A. Community
  4. B. I, II & IV
  5. B. syphilis
  6. A. Bacteria
  7. A. Primary stage
  8. B. tetracycline
  9. C. influencing the activities of people
  10. A. I, II

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