Nothing is wasted. “GOD WASTE NOTHING”

No job, no task, no obstacle is useless, if we are willing to see how it can fit into our calling, purpose, or destiny.

As you explore your calling, abilities, and potential, you will be surprised by how your previous experiences are conspiring to lead you in the direction of your life.

You just have to listen.

  • Listening to your life begins with doing what none of us want to do.
  • You have to imagine your death.
  • When your time comes, what will you regret not doing?
  • What will you wish you had more time to do, and what will have seemed trivial?
  • Think of what you fear losing those are the things that matter most.

One way to deepen this awareness is to watch other people.

  • Pay attention to those who love their lives and see what they do.
  • What do they have that you don’t?
  • We can learn a lot from what initially looks like envy, what you are missing.
  • You might have to see someone else love their life before you can love your own.
  • Love, after all, is what holds this all together, what sustains you when nothing else will.
  • This is not petty jealousy, not if we take it one step further and do something with those feelings.
  • In a way, we must become children again, watching and listening to others, and mimicking the behavior we admire so that we can grow.
  • Observing everyday examples of those who did not compromise their calling, destiny, and purpose but persevered through difficulties will inspire you to press on.

In our world today, we have a commitment problem.

  • Everywhere you look, it seems you can find a lack of commitment or follow-through.
  • Leaders shirk responsibilities.
  • Politicians blame the “other party.”
  • And many drift from one job to the next, never fully committing to any of them.
  • On some level, we all struggle to commit to the work necessary to find our purpose.
  • We are used to trying something out for six months to maybe a few years, then moving on.
  • When we do this when we don’t give ourselves fully to the work we were born to do, we do the world and ourselves a disservice.

Commitment is necessary.

  • It teaches us to exchange instant gratification for long-term rewards and shows us that some change takes time.
  • In learning this discipline of staying the course, our character grows.
  • This is the payoff of patience, the joy of watching something grow that wouldn’t have been had you not spent all those years sticking with it.

But it’s not just about commitment; it’s also about perseverance.

  • You can’t find your passion if you don’t push through pain.
  • We must seek to understand our suffering with a redemptive worldview, choosing to see the greater good despite the evil in this world.
  • Otherwise, the challenges we encounter will threaten to consume us, leaving us to lives of cynicism and regret.
  • We can’t get caught up in the magic of what might have been, we must move forward, pressing on when the hard times come.
  • There will, of course, be a failure, but with that come lessons to be learned.
  • At times, you may commit to the wrong thing, which is fine, because it’s better than the alternative nothing.
  • Committing to the wrong thing is better than standing still.
  • Another strategy, and a popular one, is to not commit to anything.
  • To hold out for better options, wait until the last minute, move restlessly from one thing to the next, and never commit to anything that could trap you.
  • It feels like freedom but is, in fact, just another cage.
  • When you are surrounded by unlimited opportunities, inaction seems like a safe choice.
  • Paralyzed by fear, many choose just that, to not move, to settle.
  • Whether it’s a job as a barista or a promising position on the corporate ladder, we take it.
  • Because the alternative, a costly journey of discovery is too scary to consider.

Here’s the truth.

  • The risk of not committing is greater than the cost of making the wrong choice.
  • Because when you fail, you learn.
  • But what happens when you don’t commit when you choose to not act?
  • Well, nothing.
  • When you pause without intent, when you stall due to fear, you don’t learn a thing.
  • Each wrong choice grows your character and strengthens your resilience, readying you for what comes next.
  • Failure is a friend dressed up like an enemy.
  • Let’s be honest, though.
  • Despite the promises of self-help literature, failing is tough.
  • It can hurt.
  • Picking yourself up off the ground, one rejection after another gets difficult after a while.
  • But if we learn to endure, choosing to see the hidden balm in the wounds of failure, we can grow from our mistakes.
  • We can overcome our obstacles and turn tragedy into triumph.
  • We may even be able to celebrate those setbacks and trials, the things that once seemed so daunting, knowing they are all signs that we are on our way.

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