TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; You will learn how to practice your own peace.

TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; You will learn how to practice your own peace.
- You will learn what battles are worth fighting, and which aren’t.
- You will learn how to hear your own intrusive thoughts and not believe them.
- You will learn how to confront a challenge and not assume your own failure, but instead try actually try.
- You will learn that things do not improve surreptitiously, but as the result of practice.
- It doesn’t get easier, but you become more resilient.
- You become more willing.
- You become better at bringing yourself back to your center and trying again.
- After all the world has put you through, you are still here, holding your dreams up to the light.
- You are still here, asking for healing and change.
- You are still here, even if you have only an inch of hope left.
- You are still here because after everything the world has put you through,
- It has not extinguished what burns inside of you.
- It has not taken away your power to wonder if maybe another way is possible.
- That will carry you all the way to the other side.
And that?
You will learn how to practice your own peace.