TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; That is who you really are.


TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; That is who you really are.

  • You have no idea how many versions of yourself you’ve already shed.
  • How many beliefs, once so tightly held, were unwound with new evidence, with time, with heart-opening, mind-altering willingness to be a little more human than you were before.
  • You’ll release this version of you, too, but there will be common threads you will carry with you throughout them all look for those.
  • Do not retire your daydreams.
  • Look for what remains true.
  • Everything that exists originated within someone’s mind,
  • A mind that first had to believe in its own idea enough to make it real.
  • You might not see it in front of you yet, but if you feel it within, you have the capacity to bring it to life.
  • Bridging the space between what you envision and what you actually experience is the journey of your life.

And that is exactly who you really are.


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