TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; One day, you will see your own strength.


TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; One day, you will see your own strength.

  • Your energy will return
  • Your love for life will once again pour out of you in all the smallest ways.
  • You are not meant to be forever in an exhale, an expansion, a flow.
  • There are some periods that are intended;
    • for taking it in,
    • for contracting and clearing,
    • for ebbing,
    • and for learning something vital through those transits.
  • When you begin to see yourself as an organic being you can give yourself more grace through your natural seasons.
  • You are not meant to be flowering all of the time, and that is precisely what makes it so special, so sacred, when you do.
  • You will begin to realize that the things that once pressed up against every nerve in your body are able to move through you with a little more ease.
  • You will walk through the things you once most deeply feared, and you will walk out on the other side and be okay.
  • You will realize that through what you face, you find your deepest courage and you get to keep that with you for all the rest of your days.


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