TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; How do you believe in your potential when your reality tells a different story?


TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; How do you believe in your potential when your reality tells a different story?

  • When you observe something for too long, you inevitably discover every microscopic fault line within it,
  • And when you focus for too long on those minor imperfections, you begin to piece together an image of that thing as being fundamentally flawed.
  • Introspection can function similarly.
  • It is good to go inward, but only if you also spend enough time moving outward seeing, feeling, experiencing new things.
  • If you spend your life picking yourself apart, you will find more than enough to be dissatisfied with.
  • Rest your eyes and your mind, and let your heart settle.
  • You begin to understand that belief is not found; it is built.
  • It is built from desire, from hope, from passion morphed into some tangible reality.
  • You begin to understand that the nature of your conviction is not some transient emotion that holds no weight nor meaning but rather a directional impulse that keeps pointing in the exact same direction.
  • You begin to understand that the very nature of potential is that it is greatness not yet expressed.
  • You become less interested in why it is not mysteriously manifesting itself
  • And more curious as to what steps you could take to reimagine yourself in the light of what you really know you are..
  • However, when you think of yourself again, you will do so with more kindness, more grace.
  • You will realize that nit-picking your soul is not growth; it is resistance.
  • It is a denial of the beautiful truth of all that you have come to be.

This is how you believe in your potential when your reality tells a different story?


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