TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; How can I respond differently this time?


TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; How can I respond differently this time?

  • The parts of your journey where you felt like you were failing and falling behind,
  • The moments when it seemed like nothing was working out the way it should,
  • The times during which you were all but forced;
    • to prioritize rest,
    • to begin a process of self-reflection,
    • to have no choice but to change these weren’t your setbacks,
  • They were your break- throughs in disguise.
  • The universe is constantly asking if you are ready to stop engaging with your old habits and enter into a parallel life,
  • One you begin to build in the gaps between what happens and how you respond.
  • Sometimes, your hardest pivots are rerouting you to your greatest destinies.
  • Sometimes, you are growing through the most unlikely circumstances, the most confusing experiences.
  • Sometimes, when it seems like you are falling behind with the outside world,
  • You are actually coming into alignment with your internal one finally listening to the deeper, inner wisdom that’s telling you that you are meant to move beyond everything you’ve known into something bigger than you’d ever fully let yourself believe.

The next time you are faced with the exact same challenges, you are being called to ask:

How can I respond differently this time?

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