TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; Hope you learn to see yourself with kinder eyes.


TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; Hope you learn to see yourself with kinder eyes.

  • I hope you learn that your days do not have to be filled with everything the world says they must be.
  • I hope you find the beauty in letting yourself rest, in letting yourself be.
  • I hope you will nurture yourself in the simplest ways,
  • I hope you will give yourself the benefit of the doubt.
  • I hope you will see your strengths a little more than your weaknesses.
  • I hope you know that you are more than you let yourself believe.
  • I hope it makes you believe in something.
  • Even if you can’t name what that something is,
  • I hope it makes you realize how rare and irreplicable this moment is.
  • I hope it makes you trust that maybe there’s more to the gravitational pull that keeps all the planets in orbit
  • Maybe there’s a pull within that brings you directly to where you are meant to be.

That is why,

I hope you learn to see yourself with kinder eyes.

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