TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; Do not allow your hope to be extinguished with time.


TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; Do not allow your hope to be extinguished with time.

  • You have so much more inside of you.
  • I know that you feel depleted, and as though you are at the end of something.
  • You are only at the end of the experience of being this one particular version of yourself.
  • You have done all you could as the person you’ve been,
  • And you’re ready for the next phase of your evolution.
  • You’re ready to transform into a new person entirely,
  • And you’re going to discover pieces of yourself so deeply entangled in your being, ones you did not expect to live out.
  • Give yourself space and time.
  • New miracles are asking to emerge through the pain.
  • No matter what this world might take from you,
  • Do not let it take your faith that another experience is possible, another chapter will begin one day, and a new life can be formed from the ruins.
  • If there is one thing that you must hold onto, it is only this that change is not possible, it’s inevitable.
  • It can be different, and better, than it ever was before.

JUST Do not allow your hope to be extinguished with time.

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