TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; Again and again, until you have built within you a new home.


TODAY’S WORDS OF ENLIGHTENMENT; Again and again, until you have built within you a new home.

  • The moments when you want to turn away from yourself,
  • To distract and numb it all out those are the very ones where you most need to go inward.
  • The ones where you most need to nurture yourself, to hear yourself out.
  • When you’re processing pain, one of the most healing things you can experience is the presence of someone to witness you,
  • And to validate you and there is nobody who can do that more powerfully than you.
  • To believe in your story, to honor where you are on the journey is priceless, it is life changing.
  • You stop seeking external forces to tell you what you already know, and you begin to build an internal rapport.
  • You begin to re-parent the part of yourself that wants to be heard and seen and felt.
  • You begin to understand what you really need because for the first time someone is actually listening.
  • You’re actually hearing what your internal self is telling you it wants to be.

And that is when you have to try again and again, until you have built within you a new home.


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