The Resurrected Life

What is It All About?
Death is very painful because of its ability to bring an end to life.
That tells you that death is more powerful than life.
That is how death can bring about the cessation of life.
But there is another thing that is higher and more powerful than death: resurrection.
That is how come dead things can come back to life because resurrection is more powerful than death.
Resurrection is the act of arising from the dead and coming back to life.
When Jesus died, we those who believed in HIM died with Him; when He rose from the dead, we rose with Him too.
That means we bear in us that superior LIFE of resurrection and we are called to walk in the newness of this resurrected life [Romans 6:3-5].
When you accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, you have passed from death unto life and this life is released into your spirit.
All you have to do is identify with this life, be conscious of this new life, and live to the fullness of this life.
The life we inherited from Jesus Christ after his resurrection is never the same as the life we used to have before.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest miracle in the whole Bible and if the Spirit of Him (which is the greatest power of God) that raised Jesus dwells in you, it gives life to your mortal bodies [Romans 8:11].
Pause a little bit and cross-examine yourself to see whether you have truly given your life to Christ. If not, then you have an opportunity to do it right now.
Acknowledge, believe that Jesus died for your sin and rose for your justification, and confess that Christ is now the Lord of your life.
You cannot experience this new life without acknowledging the Lordship of Jesus Christ over your life.
You need Jesus to launch you into this new life because He is the resurrection and the life [John 11:25].
There is a way of life and a pattern of thinking of a man who embraced the resurrected life. A man who is a partaker of the resurrected life patterns his or her life according to the dictates of that life.
Colossians 3:1-4 [1] IF THEN you have been raised with Christ to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead], aim at and seek the [rich, eternal treasures] that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. [Ps. 110:1.]
[2] Â And set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth. [3] For [as far as this world is concerned] you have died, and your [new, real] life is hidden with Christ in God. [4] When Christ, who is our life, appears, then you also will appear with Him in [the splendor of His] glory.
These scriptures throw a challenge to us that if we truly died with Christ and Rose with Him, then we need to seek and set our affection on things above.
We have not been raised to our old and low life but unto a new and high life in Christ.
This new life calls for a complete shift from the low, sinful, defeated life to a higher life.
This scripture admonishes us to set our mind and keep it on things above because that is where we now belong.
Set your mind above sickness, sin, death, poverty, lack and want, Satan, failure, etc.
We are seated together with Christ in heavenly places where those things don’t exist, that is why the consciousness of your new life is key.
Set your heart and affection on things above because wherever a man’s treasure is, there the heart will be.
Everything we need to live this new life has been given to us and we tap into it through knowledge [2Peter1:3]
Our new life is hiding and secured in Christ.
Nothing should take you away from this New and victorious life that we have by Christ.
Live to the fullness of this life.
Christ is now your real life; nothing should threaten you because anything that threatens you threatens Christ.
Make that conscious and deliberate effort to live that victorious life by seeking things above and above only.