You are What You Ate; Beware the Unfamiliar Grain, Corn.
You are What You Ate; Beware the Unfamiliar Grain, Corn Most people can easily name the common grains such as...
You are What You Ate; Beware the Unfamiliar Grain, Corn Most people can easily name the common grains such as...
Improving Your Wellbeing; The Dangers of Grains and Sugars If you made no other adjustments to your diet but eliminating...
The medicinal values of Cayenne (Capsicum annuum)/ Hot Pepper Cayenne pepper is a spice and a herb with very unique...
A simple way of making and using high-quality compost in your backyard garden Composting is a biological, chemical, and physical,...
The Role of Vegetables in Disease Prevention Apart from providing nutrition, vegetables provide protection against many diseases. They are used...
Principles of Clean and Quality Milk Production Milk is the lacteal secretion of the mammary glands of animals. It is...
Embryogenesis and Theories on Embryogenesis Embryogenesis An embryo is defined as a plant in its initial stage of development. Each...
How to Processed Seeds for Storage and the types of equipment used in Seed Treatments Pre-storage treatments of seeds. Pre-storage...
Methods of Seed Treatment Before Sowing for Maximum Germination Potential Maintaining the quality of seed is dependent on many environmental...
Seed lots received from the field often contain high moisture content and trash and other inert material, weed seeds, deteriorated...
Methods and the Techniques Used in Seed Drying After Harvest The process of elimination of moisture from the seed is...
Enzyme changes Enzymes that are endogenous to plant tissues can have undesirable or desirable consequences. The effects of enzymatic changes...
Herbicide is a chemical used to kill some targeted plants. Principles of chemical weed control The selectivity exhibited by certain...
Integrated weed management may be defined as the combination of two or more weed-control methods at low input levels to...
Weeds possess many growth characteristics and adaptations that enable them to exploit successfully the numerous ecological niches left unoccupied by...
The coconut palm, Coccus nucifera L., is one of the most beautiful and useful palms in the world. It provides...
Land plants evolved from a common ancestor with multicellular, freshwater green algae about 450 MYA. During the evolution of plants,...
Content; Rabbit and its importance General characteristics of rabbits Some common breeds of rabbits How to select a good breed...
Palm oil extraction. Steps used in extracting palm oil Bunches of the matured ripe palm fruit are harvested and then...
The Principles of Canning and How to Can Your Food At Home. The purpose of canning is to destroy the...