Possible Natural Ways Of Dealing With Infections

Possible Natural Ways Of Dealing With Infections
- Acknowledge that you or your child have an infection and that the body and the germs involved are doing their best to restore its health and vitality.
- To support the body in this effort, we must ensure it has enough energy to cleanse, repair, and heal itself.
- This can only happen if we allow the body to rest.
- Otherwise, we may use up all its energy, without which the healing will either stall or be slow.
- For a child, the period of illness is often a way to receive additional caring attention from his parents.
- He may get many extra cuddles, meals in bed, stories at bedtime, etc.
- Of course, there may be parents who feel that their child’s illness is very inconvenient and show their frustration by being harsh and insensitive to them.
- Sick children need and deserve special treatment and reassurance, especially when they are frightened or anxious.
- Sick children need to drink plenty of liquids to help remove toxins from the system.
- Warm water is the best drink for them and should be the first option;
- herb teas, freshly pressed, diluted carrot juice, and lemon or lime juice with some honey (avoid citrus juices if your child has mumps) can also be taken.
- Children need to know what is happening to them during an illness and that it will pass soon.
- They also want reassurance that you are going to be there for them all the way
- Another basic rule is to keep a chilly, feverish child warm and covered.
- This will make him sweat, particularly at night, and help to break the fever, which indicates that the body’s ‘fight’ is nearly over.
- Hot, feverish children should be kept cool and occasionally be immersed in a bath of tepid water.
- If your child has accompanying symptoms such as itchy rashes, painful swollen glands, a cough, or sore, sticky eyes, he is most likely to recover without any complications.
- In case he has any unusual symptoms, you may consult a natural practitioner for home treatment remedies.
- As a general precaution, do not take your child to daycare centers or nurseries too early.
- This can protect him from many childhood diseases.
- Daycare facilities increase the risk of Hib meningitis, for example, by 24 times.
- Many commercially run centers are frequently ‘visited’ by all sorts of bugs.
- The safest environment for a child in the first years of his life is his home.
- Since toxins in the colon and liver always make it a lot more difficult for the body to heal, doing coffee enemas, water enemas, a colema, or colonic irrigation can quickly reduce the severity of an infection or stop it altogether.
- Constipation should be avoided by all means.
- Coffee enemas stimulate bile in the liver and help the liver remove toxins.
- Immune-strengthening herbs such as Pau D’ Arco, olive leaf extract, Echinacea, golden seal, Astragalus, and grapefruit seed extract may also be helpful.
- For topical infections, you may use raw honey, bentonite clay, green clay, or urine packs (most effective).
- Elderberry has been used as a folk remedy for flu, colds, and coughs since the time of Hippocrates.
- And recently, an Israeli scientist discovered exactly why it works so well.
- In a controlled study that had flu sufferers recovering in record time, she found that elderberry literally ‘disarms’ viruses.
- The viruses simply were unable to penetrate the walls of the patient’s cells.
- A sick child should not be excited or stimulated by exposure to too much radio, television, or even visitors.
- Quiet activities such as reading, drawing, and board games help them avoid dwelling on their illness too much.
- Make sure that they get extra sleep with early bedtimes, and daytime naps if they feel tired.
- Avoid giving your child anything cold, such as cold beverages, ice cream, sugar, or sugar-containing foods; milk, yogurt, or other dairy products; meat, chicken, fish, or any other form of protein food.
- As the child’s digestive power is weakened during the illness, such foods will only putrefy and acidify the digestive system and further irritate the mucus lining.
- Sick children, like sick animals, generally do not want or need food.
- Fasting, while drinking only water, is the best way to encourage the body’s healing response.
- When your child feels hungry, give him freshly cooked vegetable purées, soups, and hot cereals like porridge/oatmeal with a little coconut sugar, or good quality honey.
- Starving an infection is better than feeding it.
- If your child develops a fever, it is a sign of a healthy immune response.
- A raised temperature shows that the body has taken active charge of the situation and is fighting off an infection.
- Parents should remember that a high temperature does not necessarily mean that their child is very ill.
- As has been discovered recently, even a temperature of 41 degrees Celsius, or 106 degrees Fahrenheit, and slightly above is still not considered life-endangering.
- The most important thing to remember is that children and babies aged less than six months who are afflicted with fever need to drink plenty of water, as they tend to dehydrate quickly.
- Sponging them down with tepid water helps to keep the body more comfortable during this phase of healing.
- Expose and sponge only one part of the body at a time until it feels cool, then move on to the next one.
- Sponging the child’s face and forehead also brings relief.
- Remember;
- fever stimulates the immune system,
- cleanses the body of toxins,
- turns up the heat high enough that the invading microbes cannot survive,
- creates more antibodies and white blood cells to help the body heal,
- and walls of the iron that bacteria feed on.
- Once the body has completed its work, the fever will drop naturally.
- It is better not to give aspirin to children during an illness as this slows the fever response and interferes with the body’s healing.
- If your doctor insists on giving antibiotics to your child when he has one of the above illnesses or symptoms, try to find another doctor to give you a second opinion.
- Pau D’ Arco, olive leaf extract, and exposure to sunlight (to make vitamin D) can act more effectively than antibiotics, without any side effects.
- In most cases, there is no need for drugs.
- In one large study published in 1987 in the British Medical Journal, 18,000 children received a homeopathic remedy against meningitis.
- None of the children got infected and not a single adverse effect developed from the treatment.