Natural Treatment and Control of Kidney Stone.

Natural Treatment and Control of Kidney Stone.
Kidney stones (also called bladder stones or cystic calculi) are abnormal accumulations of mineral salts. They form in the kidneys and, during passage down the ureters, may lodge in them or the bladder. The stones primarily comprise calcium oxalate; but urates, phosphates, and cystine may also be present.
There is bleeding and renal colic (strong kidney pain) when the stone enters the ureters. These sharp pains may last hours or days. There is increased urination with pus and blood, pallor, nausea, and vomiting. Sometimes there are fever and chills. When you have bloody urine and sharp pain in the bladder or kidneys, it is very likely kidney stones.
A person with a Kidney stone may experience intermittent, dull, dragging pain radiating from the upper back to the lower abdomen, usually increased by motion.
Causes of Kidney stone
- A key factor in the production of kidney stones is a calcium and/or magnesium deficiency.
- The minerals in the stones come from your bones!
- Refined carbohydrates, especially sugar, prompt kidney stone formation.
- The sugar increases in the pancreas and excretes additional insulin, which in turn causes the kidneys to discharge more calcium in the urine.
- Calcium is needed by the body.
- If not, enough calcium is in the diet, the parathyroid will signal the body to extract calcium from the bones to keep the blood calcium level at normal levels.
- A vitamin B6 and magnesium deficiency may also cause stone formation.
- A Swedish research group found that taking both daily stopped stone formation in 90% of their patients.
- Magnesium, like calcium, can bond with the oxalate. B6 (10 mg a day) lowers the amount of oxalate in the urine.
- In response to lowered blood calcium levels, the parathyroids trigger the body to draw it out of the bones.
- You must obtain a balanced diet of vitamins and minerals every day.
- Partial causes of kidney stone formation can include dehydration (not drinking enough water), infections, prolonged periods of rest in bed, and only rarely taking vitamin D and calcium.
- Too much food, including acid-forming foods especially meat, along with white-flour products, sugar foods, tea, coffee, spices, and vinegar all help produce an excess of waste in the kidneys.
- Eventually, it accumulates into gravel and stones.
Remedy for Kidney stone
- You must increase the amount of water you drink! Kidney health is keyed to an adequate fluid level in the blood. Only use distilled water.
- Used in conjunction with more fluid intake, corn-silk tea increases urine output, a very necessary factor in purifying and detoxifying the kidneys.
- Watermelon provides additional water. Eat it alone and often, but do not eat it with other foods during meals.
- A lack of vitamin A can lead to stone formation. It helps protect the lining of the urinary tract.
- A more acidic urine prevents and dissolves kidney stones. Drink cranberry juice frequently. (One writer says that Ocean Spray brand is only 30% cranberry juice, plus sugar, etc.) All other fruit juices become alkaline in the system. Do not put vinegar into the body.
- Eat potassium broth. This is made from thick potato peelings. Cook it with carrots, garlic, and celery. Simmer for 30-40 minutes, then strain and drink the liquid. Excess can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.
- Oxalate, a key chemical in kidney stone formation, occurs naturally in various green vegetables; some more than others. Rhubarb has the highest oxalic acid content of anything eaten by man. Also do not eat spinach, chard, or beet tops. About 60% of all stones are calcium oxalate in nature.
- Drink watermelon-seed tea; steep in hot water for 15 minutes, strain, add a little honey and drink.
- There may be an excess of purines. Stop eating meat. Meat-based proteins are a causal factor in producing kidney stones. Do not overeat on other proteins.
- Do not use soft drinks, caffeine, chocolate, cocoa, pepper, nuts, poppy seeds, or black tea.
Reduce salt intake.
- A strict macrobiotic diet (lots of grains and little fruits and vegetables) tends to concentrate the urine and may cause stones. But this is not a primary cause of them.
- Take licorice, to reduce swelling of the ureters, so the stone can pass. Calcium and magnesium are crucial to stop the calcium loss from the bones. Eat less meat to get your calcium/phosphorous ratio in order (meat is full of phosphorous).
- The following herbs are helpful: dandelion, rupturewort, and madder just boil their leaves and drink the water.
- To dissolve kidney stones, drink hot water and lemon juice.