Multiple Choice Questions on Humans Ecology and Health with Answers. (2)


Multiple Choice Questions on Humans Ecology and Health with Answers. (1)


1. Renewable resources comprise

A. organisms that are constantly reproducing

B. plants and animals in the forest only

C. plants and animals that can reproduce sexually

D. all animals that can reproduce.

2. Renewable resources are formed by

A. animals that reproduce sexually

B. organisms confined to forest reserves.

C. organisms that are constantly regenerating themselves

D. plants and animals that can reproduce sexually

3. Conservation could be defined as

A. the wise use of the resources in nature

B. decrease in man’s industrial activities

C. increase in man’s industrial activities

D. restriction of animals to specific areas.

4. Which of the following resources is non-renewable?

A. Fisheries

B. Mineral ore

C. Vegetation

D. wild life

5. Which of the following substances is not a renewable resource?

A. Soil  

B. Oil

C. Water

D. Plant

6. Wild life conservation does not protect:

A. game

B. predators

C. decomposers

D. birds

7. Conservation of natural resources can be achieved by the following except

A. creation of national parks

B. formation of conservation societies and agencies.

C. establishment of game reserves

D. deregulated harvesting

8. Which of the following measures will not result in the conservation of fish resources?

A. Limiting the size of nets used in fishing

B. Limitation on size of vessels used in fishing

C. Banning the consumption of fingerlings by humans

D. Prohibiting fishing at certain seasons.

9. Which of the following practices is not a means of conserving natural resources?

A. Burning of vegetation before cropping

B. Replacing harvested mature trees with seedling.

C. Prevention of poaching

D. Controlling excessive deforestation

10. Forest conservation include the following except

A. prevention of bush fires

B. extensive felling of forest trees

C. Replacing of harvested tree by planting seedlings

D. selective exploitation of forest trees.

11. Which of the following can be used for soil conservation?

A. Overgrazing

B. Over cultivation

C. Cover cropping

D. Soil pollution

12. A company was prohibited from producing bags made from leopard skin. This is an attempt to conserve

A. land

B. water

C. wildlife

D. mineral

13. The ways of ensuring an efficient conservation of all natural resources may involve the following except:

A. siting of industries in residential areas

B. treatment of sewage

C. educating the public on conservation

D. passing of strict laws against oil spillage

14. Which of the following practices is not use in conserving water?

A. Afforestation

B. Damming

C. Deforestation

D. Reforestation

15. Which of the following natural resources is most readily available to all organisms?

A. Forest reserve

B. Wildlife

C. Mineral deposit

D. Water

16. Which of the following is not a reason for banning bush burning? It

A. allows for quick growth of grasses

B. kills soil micro organisms

C. leaves the soil bare of vegetation

D. burns off organic soil nutrients

17. Improper sewage disposal could be dangerous for the following reasons except

A. the smell of carelessly disposed sewage water is most undesirable

B. the spread of gastro-intestinal diseases are enhanced

C. resultant outbreak of water borne diseases

D. there would be little space of disposal of refuse

18. The ozone layer is destroyed by

A. oxides of nitrogen

B. chlorofluorocarbons

C. carbon dioxide

D. carbon monoxide

19. Depletion of the ozone layer may result in

A. increase incidence of skin cancer.

B. increased global warming

C. prolonged drought

D. low relative humidity

20. The greenhouse effect can be prevented by

A. decreasing the atmospheric CO2

B. depleting the ozone layer.

C. burning more wood as fossil

D. increasing the atmospheric CO2

21. Global warming is predicted to cause:

A. Skin cancer

B. Flooding in coastal areas

C. defoliation of plant foliage

D. cyanide poisoning

22. Human activities are responsible for the following effects on the Earth’s atmosphere:

A. Global warming and acid rain

B. Global warming and population increase.

C. Population increase and acid rain

D. Increase in gravitational pull on the Earth and lead poisoning.

23. Which of the following human activities contribute to the greenhouse effects?

I. Setting bush fires

II. Burning of rubbish in the villages/cities.

III. Making manure out of refuse and dead plants.

IV. Burning of coal and oil in our power stations and factories.

A. I, II, III and IV.

B. I, II and III

C. I, II and IV.

D. II, III and IV.

24. The best method of refuse disposal in an urban community is

A. composting

B. incineration

C. dumping in the sea

D. dumping in fast flowing river.

25. Bacteria are involved in all the following except

A. Penicillin production

B. Cheese making

C. Nitrogen fixation

D. Sewage treatment

26. Oil applied to the surface of water kills larvae of mosquitoes through

A. Dehydration

B. Poisoning

C. Starvation

D. Suffocation

27. The first step to be taken when a farmer is bitten by a snake is to

A. bandage the bitten spot

B. administer anti-snake serum

C. send the victim to the hospital

D. tie above the bitten spot

28. Which of the following gases combines with water to form acidic compound when released into the air?

A. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide

B. Sulphur dioxide and helium

C. Nitrogen dioxide and neon

D. Oxygen and hydrogen

29. Which of the following gases is a pollutant of the air?

A. Hydrogen sulphide

B. Nitrogen

C. Water vapour

D. Oxygen

30. Which of the following gases is environmentally friendly when present in large quantity?

A. Hydrogen sulphide

B. Methane

C. Carbon monoxide

D. Nitrogen

31. A poisonous gas obtained from burning substances in limited supply of air is:

A. Carbon (IV) oxide

B. Nitrogen (V) oxide

C. methane

D. Carbon (II) oxide

32. Pollution by carbon monoxide can be minimised by

A. incomplete burning of fuels

B. efficient burning of fuels

C. using firewood as the source of fuel.

D. using petrol as the source of fuel.

33. Which of the following pollutants can be controlled by building tall chimneys

A. Radioactive substances

B. Gases from factories

C. Dyes leaking from factories

D. Insecticides leaking from factories

34. Which of the following are measures used for the prevention of air pollution?

I. Using lead free petrol

II. Recycling of wastes from factories

III. Using smokeless fuels in houses.

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III.

35. A constituent of the exhaust gases of motor vehicles which causes serious air pollution is

A. water vapour

B. carbon dioxide

C. carbon monoxide

D. oxygen

36. Which of the following is the main reason why the bucket system of sewage disposal should be discouraged?

A. Only little amount of sewage can be disposed

B. There is scarcity of labour

C. It is injurious to the health of the carrier

D. The odour emitted is too offensive

37. Water pollution is not caused by:

A. discharge of human waste into water

B. addition of water to alum in a container

C. oil spillage in a body of water

D. discharge of hot water into a river

38. Which of the following wastes is correctly linked to its source?

A. Raw sewage from agricultural practices.

B. Hot water from homes

C. Spilled oil from industries

D. Detergents from industries.

39. Hygienic condition refers to the one that tends to:

A. eliminate flies from the environment.

B. provides basic medical facilities

C. encourage the use of modern insecticide.

D. promotes the health of individuals

40. Observance of personal hygiene involves

A. elimination of vectors from the environment

B. keeping the surroundings clean

C. keeping the body clean

D. regular intake of prophylactic drugs.

41. All the following processes involve fermentation except

A. processing of fresh cocoa beans

B. manufacture of yoghurt

C. brewing of beer.

D. production of antibiotics

42. Bread increases in volume when yeast is added to the dough because

A. the yeast cells expand in size

B. the yeast cells increase in size

C. Carbon dioxide produced during fermentation caused the dough to rise

D. the texture of the dough is refined by the yeast.

Use the processes below to answer the Question that follows.

I. Manufacture of drugs

II. Food processing

III. Manufacture of plastics

43. In which of the above processes can microbes be employed?

A. I and II only

B. I and III only

C. II and III only

D. I, II and III.

44. Immunization of children involves administering into the body small quantities of:

A. Red blood cells

B. antigen

C. White blood cells

D. Antibodies

45. Immunization is very useful when administered

A. after a person contracted the disease.

B. before the outbreak of a disease.

C. in the course of recovery from a disease

D. after a complete recovery from a disease

46. The ability of the body to resist infection by producing antibodies is known as:

A. allergy

B. immunity

C. inoculation

D. zoonosis

47. When an individual is vaccinated against a disease the:

A. volume of blood in the body increases

B. vaccines destroys pathogens

C. plasma produces antibodies against the pathogens

D. more active form of the pathogen is introduced into the body

48. Which of the following organisms are usually associated with pork?

A. Flat worms

B. Protozoa

C. Roundworms

D. Nematodes

49. Which of the following diseases is caused by a protozoan?

A. Trypanosomiasis

B. Poliomyelitis

C. Malaria

D. Syphilis

50. One of the following ecological conditions which favour the spread of malaria is

A. improper disposal of organic matter

B. clearing bushes around dwelling houses

C. presence of water weeds

D. presence of stagnant water in ponds

51. Which of the following diseases is a nutritional deficiency?

A. Colour blindness

B. Beriberi

C. Sickle cell anaemia

D. Haemophilia

52. Which of the following diseases could be prevented through personal hygiene?

A. Cholera

B. Malaria

C. Rabies

D. Scurvy

53. Parasites which cannot survive under anaerobic conditions are referred to as:

A. ectoparasites

B. endoparasites

C. facultative parasite

D. obligate parasite

54. The vector whose larvae are found in fast flowing waters transmits:

A. malaria

B. onchocerciasis

C. schistosomiasis

D. trypanosomiasis

55. Micro-organisms present in water can be killed through

A. sedimentation        

B. filtration

C. chlorination

D. screening

56. Houseflies are the vectors of all the following disease except:

A. poliomyelitis

B. malaria

C. typhoid

D. dysentery

57. Which of the following diseases is caused by virus?

A. Cholera

B. Ringworm

C. Tuberculosis

D. Yellow fever

58. Viruses are pathogens of all the following diseases except:

A. measles

B. small pox

C. poliomyelitis                

D. tuberculosis

59. People who are fond of bathing in dirty water are likely to contract

A. trypanosomiasis

B. onchocerciasis

C. elephantiasis

D. schistosomiasis

60. Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungus?

A. Black pod

B. Scurvy

C. Swollen shoot

D. Tetanus

61. Tetanus is caused by a:

A. Fungus

B. Protozoa

C. Virus

D. bacterium

62. Malaria and coccidiosis are both caused by:

A. Protozoa

B. Fungus

C. Bacterium

D. Virus

63. The causative organism for elephantiasis is

A. bacteria

B. fungus

C. virus

D. worm

64. The common name for onchocerciasis is

A. Sleeping sickness

B. Bilharzia

C. River blindness

D. Dysentery

65. Which of the following microbes is beneficial to man?

A. Denitrifying bacteria

B. Human immunodeficiency virus

C. Nitrogen fixing bacteria

D. The cercaria of liver fluke.

66. Which of the following are not causative organisms of plant diseases?

A. Fungi

B. Cercariae

C. Bacteria

D. Nematodes

67. Most endoparasites have two different hosts because

A. they require large amount of nutrients

B. they must infest a variety of organisms.

C. when one host dies the other will be alive

D. their life cycle cannot be completed in only one host

68. One of the effects of drug abuse is:

A. redundancy of health workers

B. the production of fake drugs

C. an increase in productivity

D. the development of resistance to drug.

69. Which of the components of blood is damaged in a patient suffering from AIDS?

A. Erythrocytes

B. Leucocytes

C. Plasma

D. Platelets

70. The inability of the body to resist or fight against disease causing pathogens may be due to which of the following?

I    – malnutrition

II   – stress and overwork

III – harmful habits such as drinking and smoking

IV – environmental pollution

A. I, II, III and IV

B. I, II and IV only

C. II, III and IV only

D. I, II and III only

Multiple Choice Questions on Humans Ecology and Health with Answers. (1)


  1. A. organisms that are constantly reproducing
  2. C. organisms that are constantly regenerating themselves
  3. A. the wise use of the resources in nature
  4. B. Mineral ore
  5. Oil
  6. decomposers
  7. D. deregulated harvesting
  8. C. Banning the consumption of fingerlings by humans
  9. A. Burning of vegetation before cropping
  10. B. extensive felling of forest – trees
  11. C. Cover cropping
  12. C. wildlife
  13. A. siting of industries in residential areas
  14. C. Deforestation
  15. D. Water
  16. A. allows for quick growth of grasses
  17. D. there would be little space of disposal of refuse
  18. B. chlorofluorocarbons
  19. A. increase incidence of skin cancer.
  20. A. decreasing the atmospheric CO2
  21. B. Flooding in coastal areas
  22. Global warming and acid rain
  23. C. I, II and IV.
  24. incineration
  25. A. Penicillin production
  26. Suffocation
  27. tie above the bitten spot
  28. A. Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide
  29. Hydrogen sulphide
  30. D. Nitrogen
  31. D. Carbon (II) oxide
  32. B. efficient burning of fuels
  33. B. Gases from factories
  34. A. I and II only
  35. C. carbon monoxide
  36. C. It is injurious to the health of the carrier
  37. B. addition of water to alum in a container
  38. D. Detergents from industries.
  39. D. promotes the health of individuals
  40. keeping the body clean
  41. A. processing of fresh cocoa beans
  42. C. Carbon dioxide produced during fermentation caused the dough to rise
  43. A. I and II only
  44. C. White blood cells
  45. B. before the outbreak of a disease.
  46. B. immunity
  47. C. plasma produces antibodies against the pathogens
  48. A. Flat worms
  49. A. Trypanosomiasis
  50. D. presence of stagnant water in ponds
  51. Beriberi
  52. A. Cholera
  53. A. ectoparasites
  54. B. onchocerciasis
  55. C. chlorination
  56. A. poliomyelitis
  57. Yellow fever
  58. tuberculosis
  59. D. schistosomiasis
  60. A. Black pod
  61. D. bacterium
  62. A. Protozoa
  63. D. worm
  64. C. River blindness
  65. C. Nitrogen fixing bacteria
  66. B. Cercariae
  67. D. their life cycle cannot be completed in only one host
  68. D. the development of resistance to drug.
  69. Leucocytes
  70. A. I, II, III and IV

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