Enlighten Knowledge; Questions to help you set strategic goals for your life.


Asking the right questions and providing the right answers to them is one of the key competencies to setting a goal for life.

It helps to get closer to what you want and learn how to live life in a better way.

If for some reason you cannot turn to a specialist, there is an opportunity to use these techniques on your own.

We have prepared this list, especially for this purpose.

“What do I want?” or “What is my goal?”

Many people set goals without first thinking of what they actually want.

They sometimes hear friends talk about it and they also decide to do it.

It is not bad to get ideas from friends or others, but is that what you want?

If that is not what you want, it will be difficult to find fulfillment in doing that.

So, the best thing is to know what you want.

“What do I need it for?”

The reason for what you want is very important.

“When can I (would like to) accomplish what I want?”

After knowing what you want or deciding what you want, you need to have a time frame of what you want.

Do you want it now?

Do you need it in a week?

Or do you need it in a month(s) time or year(s) to come?

Here you need to take into account if what you want is needed now or future.

“What will change in my life when I achieve the outcome?”

You need to consider the impact of what you want on your life.

Whether personal life, social life, or family life.

The result of what you want if it will have negative or positive impacts, must be considered.

“What resources do I have to accomplish the goal?”

Before setting a goal or after setting the goal, it is not time to start pursuing it until you first know the resources you need to accomplish it.

After knowing the resources, you need to check the resources you have readily available.

“What resources do I lack?” and “Where can I get them?”

The resources needed to accomplish the goal, you need to check the ones you do not have and, find out how, and where to get them.

Find out how all of these resources will help you achieve your goal.

“Where do I need to start?” and “What sequence should I move in?”

Where to start from and the sequence to move in as very important.

You may have a good goal and resources to accomplish it but if you don’t start from where you need to start from, you may fail.

The genuineness of that goal and the resources will be useless if you don’t start well or at the right place.

Most times, you may start right but the sequence or the direction of progress may not be right which may also lead to failure or delay.

For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it— lest, after he has laid the foundation, and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’? (Luke 14:28-30 NKJV)

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