Avoid the Deceptive Paths.

Avoid the Deceptive Paths.
A deceptive path in life is generally something we are attracted to for the wrong reasons money, fame, attention, and so on.
If it is the attention we need, we often experience a kind of emptiness inside that we hope to fill with the false love of public approval.
Because the field we choose does not correspond with our deepest desires, we rarely find the fulfillment we crave.
Our work suffers for this, and the attention we may have gotten initially starts to fade into a painful process.
If it is money and comfort that dominate our decisions, we are most often acting out of anxiety and the need to please our parents.
They may steer us toward something lucrative out of care and concern, but lurking underneath this can be something else perhaps a bit of envy that we have more freedom than they had when they were young.
You need to realize as early as possible that you have chosen your career for the wrong reasons before your confidence takes a hit.
And actively rebel against those forces that have pushed you away from your true path.
Scoff at the need for attention and approval they will lead you astray.
Feel some anger and resentment at the parental forces that want to foist upon you an alien vocation.
It is a healthy part of your development to follow a path independent of your parents and to establish your own identity.
Let your sense of rebellion fill you with energy and purpose.
If it is the father figure that is blocking your path, you must slay him and clear the way.
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