1. To focus on a distant object, the ciliary muscle of the eye
A. relaxes and the eye lens gets thicker
B. contracts and the eye lens gets thinner
C. relaxes and the eye lens gets thinner
D. contracts and the eye lens gets thicker
2. The ability of the eye to bring about the necessary alteration in the focal length of the lens so that far or near objects are brought to a sharp focus on the retina is known as
A. Refraction
B. Reflection
C. Accommodation
D. Transmitting
3. Accommodation of the human eye is best described as the
A. ability to see distant object
B. movement of lower and upper eyelids
C. constant adjusting of the iris
D. focusing a near and distant objects
4. The part of the retina that is most sensitive to light is the
A. lens
B. yellow spot
C. pupil
D. blind spot
5. Which of the following practices may lead to an infection of the eye? The use of
A. concave lens
B. convex lens
C. biconcave lens
D. contact lens
6. When viewing an object that is close to the human eye, the
A. lens becomes thin.
B. ciliary muscles relax
C. suspensory ligaments become taut
D. eye lens becomes fat
7. Individuals with short sight eye defect have a:
A. short eyeball
B. long eyeball
C. cornea with uneven surface
D. very weak lens
8. Which of the following lenses can be used to correct long – sightedness
A. Concave lens
B. Convex lens
C. Biconcave
D. Bifocal lens
9. Rays of light can only form an image when they converge
A. in front of the retina
B. in the retina
C. behind the retina        Â
D. on the retina
10. The part of the retina that is most sensitive to light is the
A. lens
B. yellow spot
C. pupil
D. blind spot
11. Which part of the human eye contains cells which are sensitive to light?
A. Iris
B. Lens
C. Pupil
D. Retina
12. An image is formed from an object if
A. two or more rays cross each other
B. impulses leave the retina to the spinal cord
C. The lens brings rays to focus in the vitreous humour.
D. Two or more rays converge on the
13. Light from a distant object is brought in front of the retina when one is suffering from:
A. astigmatism
B. hypermetropia
C. myopia
D. presbyopia
14. The removal of optic lobes of the brain of a mammal will lead to:
A. astigmatism
B. long-sighted
C. loss of sight
D. short-sighted.
15. When you view an object close to the eye, the
A. eye lens become thin
B. ciliary muscles relax
C. suspensory ligament becomes taut
D. eye lens becomes fat.
16. What is the temporal effect of dim light on the eyes?
A. It caused the pupil to dilate
B. It causes temporal blindness
C. The iris becomes dark
D. There is irritation of the eye.
17. The ability of the human eye to focus accurately on the retina is called:
A. astigmatism
B. myopia
C. adjustment
D. accommodation
18. The structure in the ear concerned with maintenance of balance of the body is
A. fenestra rotunda
B. Eustachian tube
C. Semi-circular canal
D. tympanic membrane
19. The part of the ear which equalizes air pressure on either side of the ear drum is the
A. auditory meatus
B. malleus
C. Eustachian tube
D. oval window
20. The air pressure of the middle ear of man is equalised with atmospheric pressure because
A. semi-circular canal absorbs any excess pressure
B. Eustachian tube connect the middle ear to the pharynx
C. oval and round window move in opposite direction.
D. auditory nerves sends a stimulus to the brain which then adjust the pressure
21. Which of the following parts of the ear does not contain endolymph?
A. Semi-circular canals
B. Utriculus
C. Tympanum
D. Sacculus
22. The function of the ossicles (malleus, incus and stapes) in the mammalian ear is the
A. transmission of vibration
B. regulation of pressure
C. support of the ear
D. maintenance of balance during motion.
23. The continuous movement of the earlobe of a rabbit helps the organism to
A. amplify sound vibration
B. detect direction of sound movement
C. direct sound into the auditory canal
D. equalise pressure of sound in the ear.
24. The function of the utriculus is to
A. control balance and posture
B. balance pressure on either side of the eardrum
C. detect sound vibration
D. transmit impulse from the middle ear to the inner ear.
25. In which part of the ear does magnification of vibration take place?
A. Ampulla
B. Eustachian tube
C. Semi-circular canal
D. Middle ear.
26. A man who cannot maintain proper balance of the body may be suffering from a defect in:
A. cochlea
B. fenestra ovalis
C. Eustachian tube
D. semi-circular canal
27. Which of the following parts of the tongue does not corresponds to the taste indicated against it?
A. Tip – sweet
B. Centre – salt
C. Back – sour
D. Side – sour
28. The group of sensory cells found on the upper surface of the tongue are called:
A. Ampulla
B. Taste buds
C. Nerve cells
D. Tactile cells
29. Which of the following senses of a dog will be affected when the hypothalamus is damaged?
A. Hearing
B. Sight
C. Smell
D. Touch
30. The organ which is sensitive to smell in a cockroach is
A. Nostril
B. pedipalp
C. Antenna
D. Mandible
31. The human skin is regarded as a sense organ because it
A. separates the body from outside world
B. protects the body from cold and heat
C. regulates the water content of the body
D. has an outer layer of dead cells.
32. Give the name of the other hormone and State its role in the body:
A. Thyroxine – controlling the rate of metabolism, particularly respiration
B. Adrenalin – quickens the heart beat in times of danger
C. Glucagon – stimulates the liver cells to convert glycogen to glucose
D. Antidiuretic hormone – stimulates the reabsorption of water in the kidney tubules.
33. Which of the following is the function of the hormone secreted in the Islets of Langerhans? It
A. is used in protein synthesis
B. is involved in sugar synthesis
C. aids the rate at which glucose is converted into glycogen
D. controls the fluid content of the body.
34. Which of the following glands also serves as an exocrine gland?
A. Ovary
B. Pancreas
C. Adrenal
D. Thyroid
35. What gland produces the hormone that controls blood sugar level?
A. thyroid
B. pancreas
C. pituitary
D. testes
36. The following functions are associated with adrenalin except that it
A. prepares the body for an action in an emergency.
B. increases heartbeat and breathing rate.
C. increases blood sugar level.
D. decreases blood supply to the muscles
37. Which of the following hormones is wrongly paired up with its secretary organ?
A. Oestrogen by ovaries
B. Indole – acetic acid by the coleoptile
C. Adrenalin by kidney
D. Insulin by pancreas
38. Which of the following processes takes place in the human body when antidiuretic hormone is produced?
A. Incidence of diabetes insipidus
B. Dehydration of the body
C. Production of diluted urine
D. Production of concentrated urine.
39. Which of the following stimuli is not perceived through the skin of mammals?
A. light
B. pressure
C. pain
D. heat
40. A gland in the human body secrets two hormones, one of which causes a disease called diabetes when there is a deficiency. Which of the following organs produces these hormones?
A. Pancreas
B. Stomach
C. Thyroid
D. Adrenal
41. Over secretion of thyroxin is likely to lead to
A. thinness of body
B. sluggishness
C. Cretinism in infants
D. dwarfism
42. The hormone which tones up the muscles of a person in time of danger is from the
A. Thyroid gland
B. Pancreas
C. Adrenal gland
D. Spleen
43. The hormone that facilitate the conversion of glycogen to glucose is
A. Thyroxine
B. insulin
C. glucagon
D. adrenalin
44. Pancreatic cells responsible for the secretion of hormones are called
A. alpha cells
B. beta cells
C. islets of Langerhans
D. Corpus luteum
45. Malfunctioning of the pancreas can lead to
A. Cretinism
B. hypertension
C. Poor eyesight
D. Diabetes
46. Deficiency of insulin could lead to
A. nephritis
B. diabetes
C. hepatitis
D. cirrhosis
47. A person whose blood sugar level is always too high is most likely to be deficient in
A. Thyroxine
B. Insulin
C. Adrenalin
D. Auxin
48. The hormone which regulates the amount of glucose in the blood is called
A. Adrenalin
B. Auxin
C. Insulin
D. Thyroxine
49. Which of the following organs is responsible for the production of insulin
A. Adrenal gland
B. Spleen
C. Thyroid gland
D. Pancreas
50. The condition known as goitre is usually due to
A. inactivity of the liver
B. inactivity of the thyroid
C. vitamin D deficiency
D. over activity of the pancreas
51. The condition known as cretinism is caused by the deficiency of
A. Adrenalin
B. Vitamin A
C. Insulin
D. Thyroxine
52. The thyroid gland is located at the base of the:
A. midbrain
B. neck
C. kidney
D. liver
Multiple Choice Questions on Humans Ecology and Health with Answers. (1)
Multiple Choice Questions on Humans Ecology and Health with Answers. (2)
The Brain – Mechanism of Sleep and Language and Spatial Recognition.
53. The secretion of pituitary hormones is controlled by the
A. hypothalamus
B. mid-brain
C. medulla oblongata
D. pons
54. The pituitary gland is called Master gland because:
A. it is located in the brain
B. its secretions are numerous than those of other glands.
C. its secretion controls other endocrine gland
D. it regulates muscular movement
55. Metabolic rate in mammals is controlled by the hormone
A. adrenalin
B. insulin
C. progesterone
D. thyroxine
56. Which of the following is a characteristics of a hormonal action?
A. Blood transmits information to target
B. Action is initiated by the brain
C. Response activity is short lived
D. Effectors are muscles and glands
57. Animal hormones are secreted by endocrine glands, transported in the blood stream and exert their effects on certain organs called
A. sensitive organs
B. target organs
C. sensory organs
D. ductless organs
58. Which of the following statements is not true about hormones?
A. They are transported in the blood to target organs.
B. They are chemical messengers in animals
C. They may affect more than one target organs.
D. Their responses are voluntary
59. The depolarised area of a neurone has
A. positive charge only
B. negative charge only
C. both positive and negative charges.
D. no charge.
60. When an axon is not conducting a nerve impulse.
A. potassium ions occur inside and sodium ions is outside
B. there is no difference in charge between the outside and inside
C. sodium ions occur outside and potassium ions occur inside.
D. sodium and potassium stay outside
61. When an axon is at rest, the concentration of ions on either side of the membrane are different. Which of the following is correct about the concentration of ions on either side of the membrane?
A. There is an excess of potassium ion inside the axon and an excess of sodium ion inside.
B. Inside of the axon becomes positively charged while the outside is negatively charged
C. There is an excess Na ions in the inside of the axon.
D. Chlorine and potassium ions begin to move across the membrane.
62. The difference between somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system is that
A. In somatic nervous system, impulse involves synapse, while autonomic nervous system synapse is not
B. somatic nervous system affects skeletal muscles, while autonomic nervous system affects glands
C. in somatic nervous system, body activities are involuntary, while in autonomic nervous system, body activities are voluntary.
D. somatic nervous system inhibits body activities while autonomic nervous system can either stimulates or inhibits them
63. Which of the following actions is not a voluntary actions
A. Stealing
B. Sneezing
C. Fighting
D. Cheating
64. Which of the following activities is a voluntary action?
A. Blinking of the eyes
B. Licking of the finger
C. Peristalsis in the oesophagus
D. Sweating in the sun
65. The legs of an accident victim with a fractured vertebral column and injured spinal cord could not be raised because
A. impulse from receptors in the leg cannot travel to the brain.
B. impulse from the brain cannot travel to the legs.
C. chemical substances will be released at synapses in the central nervous system.
D. reflex actions cannot take place in the legs.
66. Which of the following processes is an example of a voluntary action?
A. Heartbeat
B. Peristalsis
C. Respiration
D. swallowing
67. The following events led a boy who accident-tally stepped on a hot charcoal to withdraw his leg immediately:
I   – Leg touches hot charcoal
II  – Effectors respond
III – Sensory fibres relay message to spinal cord.
IV  – Receptors detect the high temperature.
V –Â Motor fibres receive message from spinal cord.
68. Which of the following is the correct sequence of events that took place?
A. I, II, III, IV and V
B. I, IV, III, V and II
C. IV, I, II, III and V
D. I, II, IV, III and V
69. The nervous action involved in the process listed above is
A. Conditional reflex
B. Voluntary
C. Involuntary
D. Reflex
70. A pupil accidentally touches a hot tea cup and immediately takes off his hand. Which of the following structures is the effector?
A sensory neurone
B. A muscle in the arm
C. The spinal cord
D. A nerve in the hand
71. A person accidentally steps on hot object and withdraws his foot quickly. This is an example of
A. co-ordinate action
B. involuntary action
C. reflex action
D. voluntary action
72. When a person accidentally steps on hot object, he withdraws his foot quickly. This is an example of
A. co-ordinate action
B. involuntary action
C. reflex action
D. voluntary action
73. Which of the following statement is not correct about nerve cells? They
A. regulate body temperature of organism
B. are long and thin.
C. receive and transmit impulses from one part of the body to another.
D. are examples of specialised cells.
74. Which of the following statements about the response of neurones to stimulus is correct?
A. neurones respond to stimulus of any strength
B. intensity of stimulus must reach threshold value before the neurone can be excited.
C. neurones respond more rapidly during the absolute refractory period.
D. neurones respond to all stimuli applied to rapid succession.
75. A fundamental similarity between nervous and hormonal systems is that both
A. Involve chemical transmission
B. have widespread effects
C. shed chemicals into the blood stream
D. evoke rapid response
76. The following are connected with the movement of a reflex action.
I. Central nervous system
II. Muscle
III. Skin
IV. Sensory nerve
V. Motor nerve.
A. II, I, IV, V, III.
B. III, IV, I, II, V.
C. IV, I, V, II, III
D. III, IV, I, V, II
77. Which of the following specialised structures are stimulated by touch:
A. Receptors
B. Synapse
C. Cell bodies
D. Myelin sheath
78. Impulses are transmitted across synapses
A. by electrical waves
B. through electric current
C. by chemical transmitter
D. through synaptic spark.
79. Impulses are received by a neurone through the
A. dendrites
B. cell body
C. axon
D. myelin sheath
80. Nerve impulses are carried into a nerve cell by the
A. myelin sheath
B. mitochondria
C. axon
D. dendrites
81. Which structure transmits impulses from the CNS to effector organ?
A. dendrite
B. sensory neurone
C. Motor neurone
D. relay neurone
82. Which of the following statements about the response of a neurone to stimulus is correct? The
A. neurone responds to stimulus of any strength
B. intensity of the stimulus must exceed a threshold value before the neurone can be excited
C. neurone responds more rapidly to during the absolute refractory period
D. neurone responds to all stimulus applied in rapid successions.
83. Which of the following processes is controlled by the parasympathetic nervous system?
A. increased rate of heartbeat
B. dilation of blood vessels of the gut.
C. dilation of the pupil
D. increased secretion of sweat.
84. The sympathetic nervous system performs similar function as
A. adrenalin
B. glucagon
C. insulin
D. vasopressin
85. Some reflex actions can be voluntarily controlled to a certain extent. Which one of the following reflex actions is an example of this?
A. contraction of the pupil of the eye in bright light
B. peristaltic contraction of the gut wall
C. contraction of leg muscles after tapping below the patella of the knee.
D. muscular contraction of the thorax during breathing
86. The space (or gap) between neurones through which impulses cross by means of chemical reaction is called
A. axons
B. ganglia
C. synapse
D. dendrites
87. Which of the following substances transmits impulses across a synapse?
A. Acetylcholine
B. Insulin
C. Adrenalin
D. Plasma
88. Simple reflex arc lacks
A. an effector
B. afferent neurone
C. a relay neurone
D. a synapse
89. Which of the following specialised structures are stimulated by touch?
A. Receptors
B. synapse
C. cell bodies
D. myelin sheath.
90. Neurones that receive stimuli from the body or internal organs are called
A. sensory neurone
B. efferent neurone
C. motor neurone
D. relay neurone
91. Which of the following statements is true about reflex actions?
A. The action is intentional
B. Nerve impulses are transmitted rather fast to the brain.
C. Impulses the pass along motor neuron are blocked.
D. The reaction is quick and automatic.
92. Which of the following processes is not affected when the cerebrum is damaged?
A. Voluntary action
B. Memory
C. Reasoning                     Â
D. Heartbeat
93. The motor area of the cerebrum controls
A. body temperature regulation
B. balance and posture
C. the secretion of hormones
D. voluntary movements
94. Which of the following senses of the dog will be affected when its hypothalamus is damaged?
A. Hearing
B. Sight
C. Smell
D. Touch
95. The autonomic nervous system is made up of:
A. sympathetic and parasympathetic system
B. cranial and sacral nerves.
C. brain and cranial nerves
D. Brain and spinal nerves
96. Which of the following structures make up the peripheral nervous system?
A. Spinal nerves, intermediate neurones and sensory neurones
B. Spinal nerves, cranial nerves, motor neurones
C. Sensory neurones, cranial neurones, spinal cord
D. Sensory n1`eurones, motor neurones, spinal cord
97. The brain of a mammal is whitish in colour because
A. blood vessels are absent from the brain
B. neurones are enclosed in myelin sheath
C. the cell bodies of neurones in the brain form a single ganglion
D. nerve endings in the brain are exposed
98. A person had an accident that affected the skull but not the nose but later lost the sense of smell. The accident might have affected the:
A. nose by extension
B. olfactory lobes of the brain
C. passage from the nose to the brain.
D. part of the skull near the nose.
99. The inner part of the cerebrum is whitish because
A. axons of the neurones present are
B. blood does not get there to change the colour.
C. brain cells are exposed
D. nerve fibres there are not covered with myelin.
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Animal tissues; types and their functions.
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